« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1000 - All Politics Is Local


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo escapes responsibility for New York’s disaster as Mayor Bill De Blasio slams the Jewish community; the media give Sweden a second look; and Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo escapes responsibility for New York's disaster as mere build the plaza slams, the jewish community. The media give Sweden a second look and Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden. I mentioned this is the bench, hush up he's been Shapiro Show is sponsored by express Vps. Your online activities should not be public. Protect herself inexpressibly beyond our com. Slash ban will welcome or one thousand episode. The only thing that special about the subsidies that I just have one thousand episode. That is the only thing that that we actually think, as is important about the like. It's all the same. I can take the day offer one thousand episode brows told it now would be a bad idea. So, let's jump right into than is up. There is a reared phenomenon out there were some people seem to be celebrating the failures of the United States with regard to corona virus, championing the idea that the union
state has been a gigantic. Failure among these people is Rachel Matter. Who is seeking to blame the entire pandemic on president trumpeters, weird, because it seems like the pandemic. Is it you know like everywhere? In fact, the United States, when it comes to our death per million population, is basically middle of the path United States ranks about a hundred seven nine deaths per million population according to world amateurs. By contrast, Spain is five nineteen per million italy- is it for her. Fifty three per million France, its we heard sixty two per million. The UK is three hundred nineteen per million. In other words, the United States ranks right now about half of all of those other places on earth. Nonetheless, Rachel mad cow is out there almost celebrating the idea that the United States is number one. Why? Because this ass, her dunk unprecedented because from South America first and now we're number one in the number of crony various cases diagnosed. Couple things that one we are also number one in the number of tests with actually done in the United States in terms of raw apps numbers. Their number one in the number of tests up was very odd. As you hear, some people in the media suggest we're undertow. Really really under testing. And then, though,
but we're number one in case. You know we're number one in cases in the aggregate, not per million population where we're number one in cases. Just as it is a raw some when it comes to testing, were also number one. In thing in Russia, but the media used to, Wednesday. Hundreds they'll say that on a per capita basis, the United States is not number one when it comes to testing. Then they will use per capita basis when they talk about the number of cases in the United States, but they won't do that the number of deaths in the United States, the reality of the situation is that the United States is not close to number one in terms of the number of deaths. Suffered from corona virus. United States actually handled this pretty well, except from New York and the talk about New York in just a few It's your but yours, Rachel Matter last night, trying to suggest that the United States has engaged in widespread failure. Why? Because, on the back of failure, you can change the politics of the United States in this phenomenon is really
and really terrible, is the phenomenon we're folks on the left. Try to join up a feeling of true disaster, not that the pandemic is not a disaster, a feeling that the government response was a true, thoroughgoing disaster. Simply the Dickens had been suggested. Asked changing. The system has Rachel matter doing just that last night, downplaying the threat, ignoring the experts refusing to prepare Donald Trump, is failing a mirror way that started the way the club came in. You actually missed the first little bit of it, which started with Donald Trump Said he would put America first and now he has the United States leads the world in corona virus cases not all America First Slogan, not aging. Well, obviously, in this time, Cannibal back to smile there, can you Rachel that America first thing is to personal again. America is not the worst place in the world for one of our statistically speaking United States, again not close to the workplace in the world for kimono virus. In fact, the United States ranks better in terms of death
four million population, which is instead, they should be using the United States, ranks better than virtually every european country, with the exception of Germany, and when we talk about how the United States is doing, and we just past million total diagnoses of growing that is the best under accounting of the number of people who actually have grown a virus. It maybe five to ten times that number. Considering that huge number people are a symptomatic and antibody tests are showing a multiple, a multiple of that number in terms of people who actually have acquired covert. Nineteen and who have not died if you're, if you're looking at the fact, we have a million cases, and we have a population of three hundred and thirty million you'd have to actually abrogate the number of total cases in Europe right which has a similar population. The EU altogether has a population that looks like more like the United States, that any single country in Europe so suggesting that the United States has more raw cases than, for example, ITALY. When ITALY has approximately at this, point two hundred and one thousand diagnosed cases, but Sixty million members of the population of three hundred thirty million people here in the United States so
numbers make no sense if you, if you look at how the United States has performed with the exception New York, which then we're gonna get you in a second United States is performed exceptionally well exceptionally well we're performing around we're. Canada are, Germany are outside of New York and your expense. Ass for area- and let me give you, though, stats under your that you understand that basically, the United States, when it comes to the tribune of Cover nineteen, is two countries, New York and everywhere else when it comes Your New York is a population and ninety million people, New York State, thereby twenty three thousand deaths to date. Right now, miracle It has one thousand one hundred and eighty deaths per million population in New York State ITALY, which was the hardest hit country for a while. Now, Spain, the horse had country in Europe was ITALY, they twenty seven thousand deaths slightly slightly more deaths than New York state, but they three the population in sixty millions. They only have four hundred fifty three deaths per million in ITALY, as
One thousand one hundred eighty deaths per million in New York State in Spain, which has been devastated. They five hundred nineteen deaths per million New York state double that at one thousand one hundred eighty, if you take New York State out of the calculation which again because it is so outside the sort of normal distribution make an argument for if you were to do that, the rest of United States, those like Germany or Canada, so the idea that this is equally devastated, every part United States is obviously untrue. A national policy would be a disaster. Second of all, this does raise some questions about the governance in New York, where it supposedly Andrew Mama was euro of the day. I met one. The media did the same thing after Hurricane Katrina, declaring that, I believe, is casting Blanca was the governor of was suddenly a wonderful governor and mere reneging whose a horrible mayor of New Orleans by calling city chocolates Idiot Chocolate City. That d been taken revenge upon by the federal government when he was telling people leave the city in the middle of the of the hurricane
media made him out to be a hero because Bush had to be the bad guy? Is media malpractice? What has gone on in terms of how Trump has been treated in the trunk administration have been treated verses. How the New York State government has been treated in your local government has been treated. It is absolute journalistic malpractice. If there were a publican governor of New York, the whining would never stop. De the the anger and rage. Whenever step in media are angry at Brian Camp for telling people they can reopen their barbershops than the art. Andrew Cuomo in New York shall Jonesy until eight March and build a blog was going out in public and telling people what they could go about their business through MID March. It's absolutely incredible. We'll get to that in just one second: first, let's talk fact mothers. They is approaching it's kind of hard to see mom right now, but money should be able to see you- and I don't mean just like how you are now. I'm in mom should be able to look at all the old memories. She should be able to take all that stuff, it's in the garage that it's just mouldering out there, all those old family firms and she's, u able to view them and enjoy them. It really is important at this time to forge stronger family. Can
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because you back today to take advantage of this amazing offer it's one of the best discounts. I've ever often that's a great discount legacy box. Tat comes. I spend four fifty percent off while supplies last legacy box type. Slash ban for fifty percent off really meaningful and fantastic gets up the EU the state has indeed, according to your time, surpassed one million known corona virus cases, the bleak miles. According to the New York Times, is yet another sign of how the virus has up and life in America taking lives, destroying family spreading through plants and nursing homes, prisons, forcing businesses in schools to close the true number of infections. Much higher than one million. Of course, roughly one of every one hundred three or thirty people in need? Us has now tested positive for the virus. Now there is good news here and there's bad news. The good news is the bad news. Is this thing spreads really fast, because women and lockdown, and still we have huge numbers- I probably five to ten million people in the United States Verde gotten corona virus. The good news is That means that we are actually getting fairly close to hurt immunity in certain areas of New York, which is a good thing. You know what you are aiming for at a certain point, you're gonna have to aim for hurting her immunity is based
that ain't right. It is natures, vaccine heard immunity. Is you reach the level at which the reproduction rating Virus is less than one, because so many people have already had the virus and for all the people right now we're saying well, there's guarantee that antibodies confirm unity if antibodies open for immunity. Why are we spending over ten looking for a vaccine? That's exactly what a vaccine is: a vaccine distillation build up your antibodies to a particular disease, so you're, putting all your faith in a vaccine. The same time shouting from the rooftops than antibodies? Don't confer immunity. I don't know exactly what you are waiting for: adapting you better, just drop your hands, out and enjoy your life right because had been then you're talking about nothing is going to do. This thing it is just a matter of time before get it, and then, wherever happens, you happens to you now in in worse news, the corn viruses coal is far higher than originally suggested, two CDC data there looking in excess, that's over the U prior five years versus the verses over this Europe versus the prior five years, each state and they ve seen significant uptake in New York City. Obviously,
normally they see about well a thousand weekly death thing like Daniel City, they were seeing up to six thousand weekly deaths in New York City nurse. Something similar matures using this huge spike, Michigan you'd seen spike, that's now flattening off Massachusetts. There is some spike No, it has been a little bit softer in terms of the member of the increased Ass Maryland has been we been kind of on board Lillian Colorado's been nearly on par according to the New York Times. If you look at the provisional small clauses. Death counts in Europe. In Jersey, Michigan Massachusetts, Illinois Marilyn in Colorado have spiked far above their normal levels for the period in Europe the home of the biggest outbreak. The number of deaths over this period is more than three times the normal number. Recent data suggests it could reach six times higher than normal, and that means that there be a significant under account on the number of deaths from March. Eight two April, eleventh there
gap could have been up to two thousand people in New York City. It could mean up to three thousand people in New Jersey. The state wide had been another seven hundred people in Illinois. These numbers aren't enough to change the overall infection fatality rate. This thing, which is probably between point five point six, according to best available data, which means it is significantly deadlier. The flows we ve been saying is also significantly transmissible than the flu. It is not three point four or four percent, as the W H show was originally suggesting now. What does this mean? It means that
will continue to be out there and will continue to kill people unless there's a therapeutic comes about now are expecting some news from Gilias. Science is a little bit later today about that from the severe which is that drug that Europe proposing to put out there. There are some good news a couple of weeks ago, suggestions that have been effective than there was a study that was cancelled in China, of suggesting it wasn't as effective. We're gonna find out whether there is that there are fewer on way, which would be great, but one thing to keep in mind. This thing is still out there. It is still infectious, and that is what it is right. That is what it is. We're just gonna have to deal with that because, as we remove the lockdown, there will indeed be a spike in cases that that is not shock. That's the purpose of the latter. I thought people who are surprised that there's a spike in cases f and walked out. I honestly don't know what they are thinking. I've been saying for weeks that all the models were flawed because they didn't expect a second wave. What if they walked down, is designed to prevent us from going
and, in fact, in each other, and then the lockdown ends, because the original lockdown was design not only to prevent us from fighting each other, but to stop us from infecting each other for a specific purpose, namely to not swamp the healthcare system. When we believe the lockdown people will be more contact with one another and then there will be a spike in case it. The question is whether there is a spike in cases without a vaccine. Of course, there will be and again the Good NEWS is the more people get it the better, the chances that we eventually reach her reassured immunity. That's what Sweden has been thing The bad news is, more people get it. The more people will die. The question is really: what is the alternative and I have not heard any alternative from people ready, maybe you're waiting for the vaccine. You don't own. That's coming twelve eighteen months, nobody staying home for twelve eighteen months, maybe waiting for therapeutic, maybe therapeutic will come. Maybe you won't you don't know. All we can do is be cautious, try and spread this out over time, which is why social distancing unmasked matter and all the rest of this, but the notion that we're to avoid an increase in the number of cases,
like everyone knows, he's gonna be an increase in the number of cases. That's why I'm constantly shocked by the way people treat this thing online. What? Oh, my God, Georgia, opening up in. They have spoken cases yeah, nobly, Sherlock, amidst the purpose and locked out, is to stop that, but the logjam can last for ever ended, served its actual, which was to stop the over of healthcare system. We'll talk about Florida in just a second, because people are using this as an excuse to set up a in expectation that cannot be met by reality that when people go out again you're gonna be somehow safer than you were when you went back in hour. I mean only because mass in the social distancing, but virus didn't magically disappear. We get to that in just one second, first Let's talk about the fact that if your online right now their bad actors online, do I mean this is like Heaven for hackers, because everybody, Many others have online retail shopping. Although on online everybody, I think I'm gonna means a lot of credit card information floating around. It means tons of your personal data floating around hackers love this kind of stuff. You need a vip unexpressed. Gps is thus we began. I never go online without using express people,
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Two thousand eight hundred forty six. There were eighty three new debts announced the highest report, and on a single day that brought the statewide total to just over a thousand. That's not right but that is not nearly the original forecast for me for five thousand dead in Florida, hisself. Why the additional infections. Of course there are also you shouldn't really look at the desk numbers, because debt numbers lad and when you look at that numbers you're looking at infections from two weeks ago, that's when people are dying after lingering, unfortunately, for weaker, in the hospital Tuesday's number of new cases in Florida is the highest state has seen in the past three days. Saturday was Lois. We state reported a total of three hundred six new cases and nine deaths, which was a steep decline of new daily cases and deaths not seen since late March. That was likely caused by the Florida part of health, changing its system of riding dates, so that was not actually a change in the underline. Get it just. They changed their providing the update, but people are using this as an excuse to collect wealthy. If we end the lock down everything
we'll go! Hog wilds gotta go haywire out here, then the lockdown people will be in contact with one another. There will be more infections. None of this was ever in doubt. None of this was ever in depth and that's not change the calculus. In here. New York has apparently set up a circuit. Breaker Andrew Cuomo says that if either the House system in an area of the state had seventy percent of capacity or if the rate of transmission reaches one point, one meaning for every person who the virus another one, but one are infected, then that would constitute a what he called a circuit, breaker state why transmission rate is about zero point, eight percent, meaning less than one person, is infected instead want to do that, in fact, in more people are overwhelming the hospital system. Well that first one it's not gonna happen of roaming. The hospital system. That's, when you can stop more people will be infected. It will continue to run through the population. That's what viruses do social distancing will help too lower that, but that is the way things are gonna go. The only thing you can really control is whether people are going to have won the hospital system. That's where the circuit breaker should exist. Doktor Deborah works yesterday. Why does she said? Listen we understand. There's gonna be.
Increased infections and we are ready for a second wave of a second major car park right now and our job in the White House to ensure that we are ready for anything that happens in the far whether its testing, whether its people, whether its ventilators, whether it's a surveillance system that understands that we have the track for asymptomatic as well as symptomatic individuals. All of those pieces need to accelerate and expand to be ready for the far eastern she's getting waves, profound. She also says that everyone needs a test, will be able to get
by late May or June in the testing, doesn't really change the outcome here, because once you're tested the treatment is exactly the same, whether you were tested or not. If you go to the hospital you're having trouble and you're having trouble breathing, you will get a test and then you will get treatment. Even if you test positive for Covid nineteen, that's probably not going to change anything except you're going to stay home, but we've already told people if you have a cough, when you have a fever, you're supposed to be staying home anyways the test, actually don't change all that much other than if you have some sort of contact racing with me put in place to tell people around you need to stay home, even if there is symptomatic that could help again prevent the need, the fast spread and overwhelmingly healthcare system. But I keep reiterating the same point. People are gonna, get it. People gonna die, that's how this works. Sweden has taken this into account. Sweden will not see a second wave because they didn't do the lock down in the first place Sweden, which it's amazing to watch right in your text, whittled down there to separate articles in the New York Times today. Talking about her, maybe Sweden did this right. After weeks of suggesting Sweden was a disaster area, there's an article in the New York Times today. Talking about how so
made on this right because there won't be a second wave. Apparently people are going out. They are their enjoying life there, restaurants, that are then, if you don't social distance in their shut down for the day, but people are not actually being prosecuted gatherings more than fifty but our ban museums of closed sporting events have been cancelled at the end of March. The authorities ban visits to nursing homes- that's pretty much it. According to the New York Times there no finds police officers can only ask people to oblige, but US he's wearing masts are generally stared at as if they have just landed from Mars, so they are going to be guy ramming Sweden books like they're gonna, be ok, because nothing is gonna change their views, things change there in the first place in terms of people lacking Yom permanently it. What were you are messy, despite somewhere blocked and permanently, and we artificially suppress the numbers and other numbers into spiking it. Maybe the artificial suppression if necessary, we didn't overwhelming system as possible, but we have been saying for which we are all going to become Sweden. It was just a matter of time as to when we did that
and so everybody whose ripping on Sweden, I have a question. What was your alternative that we can be locked down forever? Now I want to turn to New York City because, as I've said, the media coverage of New York is just a grievously. Bad agree, justly bad. Look at the numbers. Look at the numbers once more. The state death rate in your city deaths per million population in New York state, one million one hundred and eighty deaths per million one hundred one hundred eighty death one one thousand one hundred eighty just four million- that is twice the rate of spain- that is more then twice the rate of ITALY is so now what did something wrong here now some of that is population density. Some of that is dramatic government management and it is amazing to watch as this as the media blame president from the federal government for the state completely boxing it. Called, was euro of the republic for at least a month here? Why, because
going on tv and shouting President Trump about how he needed more ventilators. But Andrew Cuomo is able to completely abdicate responsibility for its own state and by the way we shouldn't be treating every governor equivalency Christie, NOME in South Dakota becoming South Dakota. She never down. Her state should basically her citizens through a parade yesterday, because you to shut down the state, because you should we're completely shutdown. Did they get worse than the Plaza and Cuomo? Did they get York? then the Plaza and Cuomo did in New York. Of course not. But if you look at the media coverage Cuomo into blogs. You are the gold standard for how you're supposed to during a pandemic and dissent is in Wada and accessing Christie, known in in South Dakota. And in the governor of Alaska, and all these guys are bad people, their bad people, because they opened up. And in the media have rooting interest in it seems that rooting interest definitely aligned with divorces are because the perfect prove it is vital
George pausing Colorado is starting to open up he's, not going anywhere near the kind of lacked at other governors who have an annex to their name are getting so we can get to New York in just a second used by the way. The deaths per million in New York state is really hide. The deaths in New York City per million are astonishing that the death penalty, in New York City- are absolutely crazy. There there been about how many deaths have there been in New York City proper from covert nineteen? I believe there been about twelve thousand- that's in your city to date from carbon nineteen, yet about twelve thousand. Five hundred to twelve thousand five hundred There's an odd about eight point: four million so around that offer for purposes of being nice to New York. That means that there have been twelve Betsy, twelve thousand. It means that there have been approximately I'm trying to them after seven thousand two hundred cases per million in New York is that could have passed.
Be right. Maybe I mean it's about twice the rate of New York State right, because that means that, because it so heavily located near, they ve had twelve thousand cases about half the number of deaths and ends its it's about its nay it. I hope what has waited varies is much higher than the New York. It can't be some thousand two hundred I'm doing it ass wrong here, but the bottom line is that you are looking at a death from we and rate that is extraordinarily high inheritance about about thirteen hundred eighty eight thirteen hundred ninety deaths per million in your city, so, in other words, almost three times the rate- the? U sign ITALY almost three times, and yet new states government has been treated with kid gloves. No they're doing everything right, they're, pretty much everything wrong, and I ll give you an example of how the media really treat the mayor and the governor with kid gloves, because their activities over the last twenty four hours on a political level would kill any Republican who attempted this kind of stuff
and should by the way, we'll get to that in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the fact that right now is probably not the time you wanna be going out to the auto part story on where we stand in line, and then even if you could, you oughta part sourced from overcharging either giving a generic part that doesn't actually fit your car. Instead, we should be taking a rock Otto. Dotcom recorded outcome, always offers the lowest possible prices, rather than changing prices based on what the markets will bear like airlines do why we spend twice as much for the same part, you will really get the rock bottom prices at Rock Otto dot com chain stores have different prices for professional mechanics, injury or sulphurous rock Autodesk, Prices are the same for everybody. Reliably low recorded outcome always offers the lowest prices possible, rather than changing prices based on what the market will bear like the airlines do wrapper, The outcome is for everybody does not require membership or can't log and best of all the prices Iraq ANA Gomes and said they are the best in the business amazing selection, reliably low prices. All the part
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twenty third mare two bloggers going round in early March, telling people that you got and celebrate their lies in New York in everything was hunky dory. Somehow these public officials escaped escaped the censure of the media Why? What because the democratic agenda here is to blame it on the federal government, just like Hurricane Katrina, where it's up to the state of New Orleans to control the safety of the citizens of the state of new orleans- and I say this as a resident of California. I think evolutions garbage governor and these going too far now in a lot of shutdown oars. I think that What he sang is insane, but guess what didn't happen in California? What happened in New York now part that has to do with population density, but you know where there's pretty heavy population density is here Cisco in or else there is pretty heavy population density Seattle. I didn't see New York either of those cities anyway, Nancy Blowsy has been basically
issuing the challenge to the Trump Administration suggesting that they blew it. It's all about the Trump administration blowing it not about New York, which again remove New York from the national statistics and the rest of the United States looks like Germany, which is supposedly the model of how you have this thing down. Here is Nancy plus when Trump. What did the president now and when did? He know it in addition to which what the scientists tell him, and when did you tell them because act as a matter of fact, this present has presided over the disaster in our country's history. On the lives and the livelihood of livelihoods of How can people- and they did so by neglect of information also denied and delay in accepting the fact, oh ok, so so Nancy. I remember in early March, when you proposed a grand total of eight billion dollars for funding for for the pandemic. That was like March six.
I remember now, don't remember Nancy Policy at the top of the ones hollering for national shutdown. No, I don't either because that didn't happen, and she wait issues on the same time line is president from and by the way she species, because how she's getting the same information? The trunk was getting this idea that I was getting some sort of information was unavailable to Nancy policies, just its fantasy. There is theirs, it there's no case him. There is no reality in which that is the truth. In late February, she's going to China town in San Francisco and telling people to come on out to Chinatown Meanwhile, what was going on in New York in Europe? there were laid on the game most admitted as much and media like I'll look. Look that honesty from Governor Cuomo I'm confused. Does that mean that he did a good job? No here's Governor Cuomo yesterday saying I didn't blow the bugle on it, watches you fuck, that's right. He even even here he fought cities as I wish I'd been blowing the bugle on this in December or genuine dude. You weren't blowing the bugle on this in February, you're, not blowing the bugle on this in the first week of March. Don't give me Jim
warrior December mean trunk could use that same excuse. Where were you in February, like everything that people say about Trump and from didn't, take this seriously enough he's not the governor of the state it actually had this outbreak is the president of the United States. He didn't and all this well at the very beginning, but you know who handle it a lot worse. The state to actually got swamps here here is Andrew Como, basically lying by omission: here's a yard and pull the bugle in December January yeah, you didn't! Do it in February, I didn't do in early March, either there's Andrew Como they with some we stood up and blew the bugle, and if no, and was going to blow the bugle. I would feel much if I was a bit Oh blower, last, Amber in January, even though when danced the music. I would feel are sitting here today. Saying I blew the bugle about war, province in January. I can't say that ok Nets
not only true, you didn't do it again for weeks, afterward New York was late on the game here and then Cuomo was asked about the fact that you are late here comes the governors? Don't you pandemics, international issue, really? Is it seems like, you have been credited with doing a wonderful job in New York, despite the fact that you have not actually done a wonderful job. It turns out that we have a federalist system. The not every state is similarly situated. So it's broken they are able to suggest that you are in well, it's local control when you wanted to local control a national control when International control member- I'm being perfectly even handed on this point when from said is up to this and then he said. No. I have national control and the present, as you know, is up to the stage you gotta be consistent on this while the same thing for four Cuomo. You don't get to do, pandemics, National issued they're, not my states issue. When you can issue state shutdown orders and when you suggest to President Trump get out of the business, to hear anyone trying to evade responsibility. Given please don't do global pandemics right, but there
whole international national health community would do that, we're all the experts. Where was the New York Times? Where was the Wall Street Journal? Where was all the beautiful blowers, who should say be careful? There's a virus in China that may be in the United States was not ember December. We're sitting here January February? Still, bathing how serious this is only this unbelievable. What most senior is nearly worth word identical to stuff from set terms is that over and over and the members. Meanwhile, we wrote an editorial about this in early February in Corona virus, was a problem and don't remember Joe Biden writing an editorial for USA. Today, in late January, oh he's wise, the when Cuomo says it is totally fine and immediately our great America's go. And then, when France is the exact same thing, it's that man place places on responsibility for this. Its Cuomo state that got hit, and not only It's almost garbage policies like hey look, an elderly person came
cover nineteen months, an ambassador nursing home bit that really exacerbated the problem. It is Quabos policies his entire state as a unitary body, as opposed to a way to second, maybe upstate in Europe the population density that doesn't even look like the population density of New York City may not be exactly like New York City. It's incredible! You want to know the double standard that is held for Andrew Cuomo, verses anywhere else check out what Andrew Coma had to say about the homeless problem in New York City. Now the homeless people once it has been a prom forlorn times, will probably lead to its problem in Seattle. In San Francisco liberally, rural areas, have serious homeless problem, not only because Urban areas tend to draw homeless votes, but also because these cities have refused to crack down on the homeless, largely depend Democrats have suggested it is a civil right to sleep on the street. There's been a problem for a very long time. Only now governors like Andrew Como discovering, and it's actually a bad thing to let mentally ill people sleep on the street in their own filth. Only now are
discovering this is a bad thing, but listen to the language then Como uses year is Andrew. Como use language about the homeless, people sleeping on the subway. If any Republican used this language that person to be out of a job, Andrew Commodity, that is disgusting. What is happening on the subway course? it's disrespectful to these central workers who need to ride the subway system. Upstate me your need to ride the buses to get to work they deserve better than they will have better. We have a public transportation system. That is clean where the trains are This infected your Was people on trains, it's not even save for the homeless people to be on trains, so I agree with him actually a bad situation. Promos people be untrained. In fact, I believe it is a bad situation for homeless people to be homeless, meaning that you shouldn't well obviously bun stretching over used to agree with me. The mayor of New York were Giuliani right when, when
Europe was not turning back into a garbage cheap under let us wait- said Michael Bluebird, Michael Bloomberg agreed without also, but to use the words trusting in conjunction here. Is there any doubt that of Republican had said this? The headline would have been republican governor homeless, disgusting, What is there any question that would have been the coverage? Of course, that would mean the coverage, the pursuit of how to apologize, has common aspects and the homeless problem is partially his fault. It's his state to block has been allowing homelessness in New York to build for years at a time from garbage governance and then, like all guess what its problem, though have a homeless problem in New York City. Well! No! No bleep, Sherlock! Congratulations! Ok, now such a standard Cuomo, whose Bosh this one thoroughly and royally it is also Marrable deplores the worst mayor in America and truly where's mayor in marathon? I live in a horrible merit. Our city is a horrible mayor. Demand is fencing offline the overpasses mulholland drive? There are four feet square, because what we're gonna do when you get the other have array of out there or something but merit ablaze is
actually a horrible person? An actual extend the needs that communist that that the man not only is great who is going to the wine sector in the middle of the pandemic, while shutting down gems and now, apparently just on over to Prospect park in Brooklyn because he likes walking over their first sagaciously takes the city transport over there and he walks around over. There doesn't socially distance according to that. Europe is not not only that building blog take on social distancing this summit. We suggest that he stands against Anti Semitism in York. Wait till you see what build a blog. You had to say over the last twenty four hours. No other group would be read it by building block for the way the Jews in New York are being treated by build applause. You, it's incredible I'll, show you the example in just one. Second: first, let us talk about a fantastic than task mother's day gift, but is it really like you're, not do better than this. Jewelry is obviously one of most popular gifts. You can get for mother's day and a good reason for it. You can't really go wrong with mom going to do be upset his unbelievable stuff
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ready, so we're gonna get you build a blogger, the worst mayor in America BAR none without a doubt or gets it that in just one second and again he can here's. To escape the media scrutiny, it's pretty unbelievable, we'll get to that in just a moment, first being locked inside right now. What could make you happy? What what something that could give you at least a glimmer of pleasure in this dark and oppressing time have a second leftist years. Tumblr had been reproducing like rabbits around here and you get two of them when you become a daily. Why insider plus we're all access member. I am not fitting to you. Delaware members get many amazing benefits, including of course, magnificent, irreplaceable, singular leftist here, somebody you also getting at website, experienced access, twelve ally broadcasts and Show library, the full three hours of the Ban Shapiro show access than male back, and now you get exclusive legend inside up ads from me daily, where members also get to ask questions during backstage. You ask it to participate in all access, live. Our brain, interactive programming, feature novices content for all access members. It's been temporarily opened up that ends this week. So now
great time to come in all access member, I'm doing another one. This week will the later this week last night we had a lot of fun time. I wear a t, shirt check it out: eight p, dot, M Eastern five, p dot M pacific. The deal is going away soon, hurry become an insider We're all access member double your tears with two leftist years, tumblers daily wired outcome, Slash subscribe to get started end at ten percent off with coupon code Shapiro that is daily wired up slash Subscribe, coupon code Shapiro get the rarest of all beverage vessels times to get so just in time will in a second, we are going to get to vote was your first. I just have to say that the singer here in listening to the largest fastest growing conservative repercussions, on the nation s suggestions. For israeli Independence Day build the plaza decided to send to call out drew so far. It has been going on in Williamsburg, which has a very what they called black hat community, its hasidic community. So it's even sort of a different version that than black
is there a bunch of different striations, even inside the orthodox jewish community. I've course. Member of it, is clear. The vast majority of orthodox community around the United States has shut down my shawl shut I'm before lockdown orders in California? This has been true for every major shoal in the election, was area its also true of every major issue in the New York area. There is one particular area of New York in Williamsburg, where there's a set of groups. Still been gathering, and this is bad. I mentioned this on the show. I said that there are some groups most hosted by the way are shutting down like even among us. It It is a normal shut. Most hasidic groups, cutting out now. There's some groups have still been getting together. This is bad news about across the board, so the christian groups into a jewish Christian do it. No group should be doing this right. No group events right now. I've relatives who are in laws who are going to be doing the wedding in a few months and they're gonna socially limit the wedding. I mean this is just the way things work. Now there was a funeral for rabbi.
Were in over in Williamsburg yesterday and a bunch of people got together on the street in other parts of the crowd? There are socially distance, I know that I have a lot of listeners in this community. There are certain parts of the crowd that were, in fact, socially distance in staying away from each other. There are other parts of the crowded look what they were, not whether there are a lot of people who showed up at his funeral, which was outdoors and cars on the street is not good It must be doing as there are members of the orthodox community by the way who are going around and telling people they needed to socially distance or get off the street. So all this lead build. A blog yo was a terrible person to tweet this out. He treated out yesterday. My message to the jewish community and all communities- is this simple. The time for warnings has passed. I have instructed no, I pity, to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups this. Stopping this disease and saving lives period is so a couple thing laws your personally travelled over there in order to help people
dispersed, because if it comes from build a blog Yos, now it's taken much more seriously than this, then, if the envoy peace as a normal arrested by the way when they were told to disperse everybody, did disperse second of all, building as you like, showing up personally what you gonna do get out on top of their with his born everyone he's leave everyone whose, by this is the part of the rally that you're not being shown right. This is this. Is this comes courtesy of a number of the Pacific community in Williamsburg. One of the problems of photography is that if you use a particular type of one's, makes people look closer together You can see here that there was a fair amount of social distancing, even in Willingford, but with that's had. Obviously, you dont want big crowds of any type doing this sort of thing, but the Palazzo single, the jewish community in interest, say like this little cosmetic sub section of Williamsburg. He said the jewish community, more broadly, as though, like all the Jews on Broadway we're getting together in their office, and gathering in large groups. Can these are pictures from the funeral? You can see
we'll socially distancing unwary masks at Parsons rallies. This is not to say that there are pictures of people are really close together and this really bad, but a lot of people were not particularly close together and that wasn't all that bad. The point here is that was you're only singled out. The jewish community is the jewish community. The only group of people in Europe have been getting rather large groups. Well, what's let's take this one to the to the other, yesterday, the blue angels, butterfly over in York, setting Harrison mobile angels, lab in your city. You can see I those rather large crowds. They are rather large crowds. Are they outside just like the ones for gathering? Yes, they are our people pretty close together. Absolutely, and this has been happening for awhile theirs. It's a video and pictures from the. U S, s, comfort, arriving in your city just a couple of weeks ago, and you remember their big crowds out there, not socially distancing watching the. U S, s comfort come into the harbor to build a blog. You call out those people did he arrived with his born and his giant
monster body, to tell people that they needed to dispersal strangling groundhog. He did not write, he singled out the jewish community and then he has the gall to suggest. Well, you know, newer anti Semitism in New York has never a thing not now we will not tolerate Anti Semitism in Europe. What it, what a fool! He is, what a fool he is unwell and point out that Failure to abide by social distancing standard has no specific Grayson, no specific religion, because it is not tied to race or religion. Also, that that build applause YO is fostering a programme to get out free Ramadan meal, some five hundred raw materials at thirty site. That's that's fine! I mean ok, but the Sultan authorities. I would imagine that that can be caught and tough in terms of the social distancing. Putting all of that aside, can you I want to build a blog YO said: no. We have higher rates of transmission in the black community son, telling the black. Already right now in your city. If you don't stop social it, if you don't stop The ring in large crowds what is in the end, I pity, to arrest you buildable, as you have said, about black folks in your city, of course, not because its absurd in sugar,
by the way. This is a serious problem. People are getting to you in very large groups. Editing has at him right here. There are two separate thousand and parties in New York in Chicago indoors one. Involving strippers DMZ reporting on it in lorry light, the mayor of Chicago, say no to the black community. Stop getting other because otherwise will arrest you did this likes. It look like Listen since you, by the way when these are large groups of people in small, areas partying it up in the middle of a pandemic rates. The mask of the red death kind of stuff from from EDGAR Allan POE Right Embryos is getting together. There is there is there is another party with strippers going on all sorts of good times over in Chicago now? Is that specific to the so called black community? No people are idiots, people do any other things. Can most people not idiot? Thank God? Most people are not doing idiotic things, but to single out the jewish community again. Would any in the United States ever single out the black community. For social gatherings like this one. The answer, of course, is no bill.
While she perfectly willing to single out the jewish community, because build applause YO can get away with it. He understands this and Williams. Bernard cannibal form anyway, so that what what a wonderful mayor he is, what what did you think credible in court? leadership. We seen from Europe Dissolved trumps felt in the right. In the end, we can blame all this on trumped because Trump says dumb things: a press conferences, doesnt matter, that the Trump team basically does the right thing in terms of action. They leave the real question. Is that Sometimes there is bad and when other bad, because their origin and very bad an orange Jim accosted by the way over it cnn- and you know I am about to say, ladies fine, you, somebody who loves you like him, Bokassa, was Jim accosted. Jimmy Costa yesterday at the White House, asked president from about Did we get from your projection of zero to one million? Why is it no one on CNN, we'll grill Andrew Global or build Plaza building at the same question to every press conference? Why are you so wrong in early March? Have I ask him? What he's doing right now. You know he's not doing right now condemning specific racial slash, religious groups
for not socially distancing in suggesting the cops? Are gonna come pick them up other things he is not doing. He is also not so in nursing home patients with covert nineteen back to their nursing homes. Other things he is not doing treating the integrity of the United States as one inseparable block in terms of policy other things he is not doing under supplying the people who are asking him for things, but the goal questions to come from the media about how trumpets a very bad oarsmen, whose very bad Nord again, here's the Costa accosting today, the? U S head brim, milestone of one million cases of the corona virus back in February. You predicted that the number of cases would go down to zero. How did we get from your protection of zero to one night
well go down to zero. Ultimately, and you have to understand when it comes to cases, we do much more testing than anybody else, so we could go to some of these other countries. You know, is an example of China. If you test you gonna show many more cases itself. This is obviously the media attempting to you to play this game. They did it yesterday also regards my pencil MIKE Pence, Wednesday, male clinic and you didn't wear a mask at the male clinic and everybody else's wearing a mask at the male clinic and the Associated Press or did vice president pens chose not to worm face now Tuesday, during a tour of male clinic in Chester Minnesota in apparent violation of the world renowned medical centres, policy requiring them video feeds, depends, didn't worm ass when he met with a male employee, was recovered from carbon nineteen and is now donating plasma. He was also mascot when I visited a lab, where male conducts corona virus tissues participant, not wear, masks during a round table discussion. All the other participants did including the FDA chief, Stephen Hon, tat: male officials, Gunnar TIM Walls- and U S Representative Jim Hedge Hague. Doorn is all over
in Minnesota fats, not quick note in one of the costs that people have not been talking about. Male clinic, which is one of the finest medical institutions on planet earth, had to cut tens of thousands of jobs, apparently because people are not being allowed to do court import, elective surgeries, which in many cases are not so Emily objective. I simply because of carbon nineteen. Now people are very, very angry at pens for not wearing that ask why depend say that he didn't wear the mask He says, as vice president of the United States and tested for grown a virus on a regular basis. Everyone around me assess it from corona virus. Since I don't have it, I thought a good opportunity for me to be here to be able to speak to researchers credible healthcare personnel, look them in the eye and say thank you down the river Reason that he's not wearing the masters, of course, because he wants a picture of himself with a male clinic, Graham in the EU. This is how politicians treat the media Nancy plus he's on the floor of the house, wiping her nose and putting it on the podium women. Really there there's video for doing so. These are very angry at pens, because you didn't abide visit this. This is real parenting here, because they there- because I didn't abide by this- Georgia, he's being tested every single day. I promise you for one of irish fingernails
Why would I do every five minutes is actually a danger to the people to Male Clinic Is it the least dangerous person in America to be the male clinic mask less, but we're gonna create a foe outrage over all of this. This is the goal of so many in the media. Asking these questions are just asking dumb questions here that this happened yesterday too, there's a reporter who suggested that? knighted states is still under testing. This is not for the United States is not under testing He went on. He went for Trump and said in a president from you keep saying that we have the most tests in the world, that's very, very bad and then Doktor Burke's jumps in and basically snatch him down and then from doubles down on it. Gentlemen. I just want to make it clear that South Korea's testing was eleven her. Her a hundred thousand and where, at seventeen percent salary, you no apology. That's why you? Nobody guy, you know there's nobody knows where you are, including my bridge, is just going again:
Eventually, we manufacture. Ok, one of things I love most about that is it burst is that the eight students in the glass and from is that these students sitting the basic, yet whether you Yahoo, uniting Yahoo is pretty spectacular step, but every question from the media to the Trump Administration is geared at what what? What? What about your gaffes? but your failures, if about more present there be none of this, not HU I oughta of this. All you have to do is check out the questions that are generally asked you, Andrew Cuomo, in New York. That's all you really have to do ok, get some things I like and then a bevy of things that I hate so things that I like today so today is in fact Johan mooted israeli Independence day, it is a very good thing for the world, because the only democracy in the Middle EAST is the jewish state and by the way, the great success stories in world history. The Jews are people who have been persecuted for several thousand years Regan. In their historic homeland in the middle of the twin
Century after the destruction of european jury, at the rate of six million people, nearly half world jury murdered in in forests and shot down gas chambers in concentration camps. And the state of Israel and amazing amazing place. It really is, if you never visited when all this is over, you should go visit. Israel's incredible. It's incredible place coltan, whose producer came with me to Israel Israeli won't last year and does merrily Christian or the jewish, whether Muslim Israel's an unbelievable place. It is an incredible incredible place. All the people who here's. What don't know damn thing about other people who suggests that its very bad for there to be a jewish state. There are lots of christian States in Europe the fact that there is one state that is reserved for jewish religion as the official religion of the state of Israel, that is, the thing, considering the long history of persecution of the Jews very interesting. How for two thousand There was no jewish state and Jews were persecuted. Now, there's which they were like. You know the reason the people had used because of the jewish state they are it seems, like you, sort shifted the rationale thereon Us Roquat: the fact that Israel exists,
is the protection for Jews because I'll get. You know why. Why will not rely upon for the protection of the Jews people, like Builder Plaza people at German Orban, people like Bernie there's a rely on their protection. The fact that Israel exists is the last line of defence. For Jews on religious basis, because in Europe s virtues we must, as the Anti Semitism rises. If I may Who America America is the greatest country in the world for Jews, but as it stands, with its America, moves in another direction. The final hope for the safety of Jews will always be in in a jewish state that is able to hats, Jews, all over the world. America's an amazing amazing place, but do I trust that officials they build a blog? You are interested in protecting all of their citizens, including Jews? Not effort tweets, like the one you sent out today, so good good for Israel and that that so that their celebrating under bad circumstances, but if you have the opportunity to go visit Israel, you certainly should it's an amazing incredible place in it: a top American Allied America's real, only ally in the region,
already time for its will? Actually, when one more thing I like so apparent our results that are breaking from Juliet about them disappear. There's going to stat news. Dont come here, made the announcement in a statement on Wednesday, stating we understand that the trial has met its primary end point the company said that the National Institute of Allergy infectious disease will provide data. An upcoming briefing, the government run study show that the medicine is effective against covered nineteen, so the this this particular study is the most important and rigorously design has to run disappear in covered nineteen. The study compare to render severe to placebo an eight hundred patients with neither patients oppositions knowing who got the drug instead of a placebo. So there shouldn't be any unconscious bias he's affecting the conclusions. The main goal of the study is the time until patients improve but different measures and improvements pointing out how sick they were to begin with Scotland. Former FDA, commissioner, said that this should now
be added to the emergency use authorization for further toolbox, he's had run disappear, isn't a home run but looks active and can about be part of a toolbox of drugs agnostics at substantially lower our risk heading into the fall render severe, which must be given intravenous Lee is likely to remain a treatment for patients are hospitalized, but is also likely. It will be the most effective impatience. Women acted more recently, rather than less Juliet on whence he did release data from its own study of remedies severe in patients with severe covered nineteen study should similar rates of clinical improvement, impatience, treated with a five day and ten day course of ram disappear. So they said that it may be possible to treat patients of the five day. Treatment of remedies have you're, not attending course. Those originally used did. It is closed Thursday from three hundred and ninety seven patients. The study didn't reveal much about how well it's working. But the conclusion is that there are basically two durations of treatment. There is some level of efficacy, so bad say that that is some good news, hopefully, will see some some new staff on all this
since in the trial, generally lived, eight percent to eight percent of patients treated with five days of remedies of your died compared to eleven percent of the patients treated for ten days outside of ITALY, where seventy seven patients were fitted. The overall mortality rate across the entire study was seven percent, which lower than those seen in other studies which have been in the teens or twenties. So hopefully this will be a a in drug attitude to a boss, new therapeutics. We will hope coming out every day that that is. That is definitely good news, ok time for some things that I hate. So, let's look for a second to be at the twenty twenty raised, so just in a marsh libertarian from Michigan announced that he is going to run for president on a third party ticket, which means that has an immediate family and the remaining Quantico. Never Trumpery will probably vote for him. It's like seven people here. He is not actually a threat to win a severe number, a significant number of votes in this election. The present from his high approval ratings, among Republicans,
democratic and be able to get out their base. I do not see a lot of room for Libertarian in this election cycle. Libertarians blue last time around when there is widespread dissatisfaction with both candidates. I dont think that he is going to have much was shot here and then on policy. I didn't like just in ambush. I like many of the things he said, but he does not have a constituent. At this point outside of his congressional districts, and so the idea is going to radically change the races very silly. I also do like the idea on the right of third party candidates in this particular election. The reason being it is going to create a narrative tat, I think, is absolutely false, which is that, if you do not vote for just a marsh, it is because you embrace every aspect of president Trump. It's because you love all the bad things about and that obviously not true a lotta people just think that just a machine can it be president and I will vote for Trump against Biden. I think that that is the logic I would think of most Republicans, including most look
Marion's vote Republican? Is there saying why would I throw away my vote on adjusting to March when I could be voting in a close fought election? That really is going to decide a lot about the future of our countries, specifically because the pandemic has shifted the internal politics of the country, the dramatically so is just an impartial run, a bad idea enough for just imagine. Nobody wants means every country is it's something that is that changes raising any real way. The answer, of course, is real. No. Meanwhile, it is fun to watch as the Democrats simum They pursue two avenues of of twenty twenty strategy. Every number one is massive change on the back of a global catastrophe Avenue number two is Joe Biden cannot be held in the same and are we hold everybody else? I meet you stuff, that's really fun to watch because one hand, but it really undercut by nuns separate levels on the one.
Bite and likes to say that he is basically the status quo. Candidate status quo ante, can't it wouldn't go back to the great days, will bomb remember how great it was when they re Rubber Health Antarctica was back in the days will bomb. Well, you can have that back. If you just vote for Joe Biden, also we're gonna radically revised the american bargain. I took his ease undercutting as our message there and then on the second plain He is, I am returned to class in the White House and decency and all men should be held accountable and also terrorism, damned liar and we're going to ignore everything she has to say and we're gonna call for due process, because now Joe Biden. We want you process now. Listen, I think the job has every right to say this never happened. I think you're buying every right to evidence. I think Joe Biden has every right to suggest that people are to hold people to a process of evidence in in due process. Standards It's all right. I'm is funded kind of ironic that everybody in the meat you movement holds that xenophobia.
But for nobody else, so here is the first problem of this Joe Biden did. I did a little bit of eight and endorsement video with Hillary Clinton. Yesterday he had her on his silly podcast. And from his from his basement, and he says, he's gonna go to her for advice, which is probably the worst thing you can do. Hilary gives very bad advice. She thanked him by the way for doing this from his firm for being able to talk with him from his. This note bless him. Clint was innovation was with a ranch and Geoffrey option was there in any case here was Hers Joe Biden saying he's gonna keep calling Hilary for advice, which is pretty much the worst thing you can do it in a presidential election. You think he Hilary for Joyousness Conversation Day and Hilary, I'm gonna He'd call in asking for your advice, the current viruses shining a bright light on the equities in our country, there's so much work to do, but I have no doubt we can meet these challenges brought on by this virus if we
we're together if we were to by the way he actually did seem falling asleep while technical report and those very funny do we have that club, it's pretty its brutal areas. Women in our country has said. Classified as essential. So this is an issue that affects all of us. Are young and old, Joe Joe in their Joe Joe Joe I think, he's just looking down at his notes or something, but it looks very much as though Joe Biden has gone, Comus hosting picks up, but the first problem again is that he is going to propose radical solutions at the same time, claiming that he is a return to status quo Ante Harry was yesterday With Hilary and Hilary we think we can achieve health justice from this crisis. Basically, the random annual thing right, it's a crisis, and if we didn't achieve health justice on the back of the past we'll be blowing the opportunity. Pandemics are not opportunities. Pandemics are catastrophes to treat a catastrophe as an opportunity to be a bad person. Her celery.
This would be a terrible crisis to waste. As the old saying goes, we ve learned a lot about what our absolute Frailties are in our country when it comes to health, justice and economic justice, so yeah let's be resolved that we're gonna sound those once your elected president. Has it s amazing, which is openly business, why or you such a bad politician, but what you just openly says this stuff registers the quiet part out loud. We should never let it go Prices go to waste, you know like. Seventy. Five thousand Americans die. That's a great opportunity for us completely bankrupt our our private healthcare system that has been extraordinarily responsive. That's a great opportune First, you Medicare, four of which has been working perfectly in France and the UK and in ITALY. Which have nationalized healthcare systems and all of which have worse rate of death per million than the United States by the way. So that is prone number one then there's prone number
which is the media and Democrats completely downplaying the meat to questions about Joe Biden. So again, I will say I actually do not find her reads: allegations politically credible, usually there's a pattern of conduct when people do this sort of stuff. Also they're serious questions about the timeline, and she says she found the Senate report that ten report seems to be missing in action, but we now know the terrorists mom called into Larry King. We know that the chair, a red, told them people were round her about this allegation, which is more contemporaneous evidence than in Christine Blasi forever, provided it is hilarious, hilarious to watch the Democrats pretzel themselves. On this thing made, it really is incredible. So, let's take, for example, the minced meat you later be me too. Her name is to run up Burke, here's what she treated about this. I took it went away from work and movement related issues to be present where I was Does my family was effected with covered, but I know if you're wondering about my take on the terror red story, one out of fourteen, nothing like along twitter threat.
My stance has never wavered survivors have a right to speak their truth and be given the space to heal The inconvenient truth is that the story is impacting us differently because it hits at the heart of what the most important elections of our lifetime and I hated him, what you, but I don't really have easy answers. Don't you Don't you weird these? I have a feeling that these areas, were made about Donald Trump and they were, you would not be well. You knows, impacts the election. I've had some since there are no perfect survivors and no one is, really a presidential candidate, is beyond reproach. So where does that leave us? Where does that leave us in just world? We have a transformative approach to dealing with claims. Sure violence where a survivor stories given fair consideration and they are made hole by a process that supports both accountability and healing. That's a lot of words that mean nothing well done there. This is doubly important went out. Power dynamics are involved, but we don't have that right now. I thought that's what you are fighting for, though I wouldn't now be like a great time you to stand up for.
What we have now is a zero sum game, where absolutely no one wins really does no one. When, because of what you said up Fort words believe, are women you'd be out there on the ramp, shouting about Joe Biden being molester in part, because most people wing the moment don't actually care about transforming a culture of sexual violence. There we go when it went when your arguments bad, then the first thing you should do, is impugn. The motives of people were making the counter argument. Romania when your arguments that definitely impugn the motives of people coming at the story is not a woman came out an acute chemisette credibly accused when we had to use credibly accused. It was because that was the word with proceedings is credibly accused and they kept using credibly accuse long after historic, completely fell apart, credibly he's ok, so we can say credibly accused about our red for some reason, and then I love the fact that she's like what you know, we can trust people were asking questions because their motives are bad oaks. The motives and people ask him up, cabinet were absolutely great, the same people who are saying they wouldn't vote for Brett Cavanaugh. If there is, if their choice were voting for wreck Abner being thrown into a flaming hot lava
those same people, their motives were absolutely pure in taking Christine Blasi for it at face value. Tirana Burke meet you Foundation, many of you are only interested in this story, because your entertained by the trauma of others or because it has the potential to be politically expedient, no real regard for the survivor. Weird. If you had regard for the survey, seems like you, be taking her story super seriously, but right now it seems like it dismissing historic, as you like, Joe Biden, is not really what's going on here. Isn't this variation of the newspaper lay argument that was made in ninety ninety eight during the Lewinsky scandal Machine overlay, whose I believe writing for time magazine at the time said that she would do a Lewinsky did to keep abortion legal, airports as, on the one hand, terror red, has been afforded the opportunity to speak the truth from mainstream media reporting on her claims and ongoing invest native journalism, how she's? Ok, known, Heteronomous NBC. Nobody veterans Vienna in your times, made one report on it on April twelfth and that's it really was that the first make sure, naval to come forward in a process where she was treated fairly, get a trusted system instead, like other public survivors before her, she had rely on journalists in
to be heard precisely because the system for survivors are not placed it? Oh, she should have gone to a huge amount of work and then maybe you should become around the yard in that year. The mutual lady you're going lady and you're like well. You know this is a complicated issue. I've I find it very difficult to believe the Toronto birth. We would find this quite complicated if her political info we're not impugned here. Just on the other hand, the defensive, Joe Biden, should rest on whether he's a good guy. Our only hope. Instead he could demonstrate what it looks like to be both accountable and electable. Always there is that How meaning and a minimum acknowledging that his demand demonstrated learning programme boundaries with women at the very least left him open, left him open to all of this right. No man, and then she continues she continues. Better what you believe we are allowed to expect more of the person present running for president of the United States, This is where we are we to have a guy, but for this in part, because it would take a willingness from all of us to write it. Sir. This is more than being used as a political football by the interested parties and a culture of it now.
Harm can exist if we continue to view sexual violence is a catastrophic outlier rather than an embedded toxic element market. Basically, that is, I'm not gonna condemn Joe Biden, because I, like Joe Biden- and I want him to be the president speaking of people who want to buy the president, Stacy Abrams, so just an emotion, ounce he's gonna run for president. My friends have man's offer the best we'd on this. He said: Italy, Stacy Abrams sense for application, because Stacy Abrams is unemployed at the moment and she's desperate to be the vice president. And Joe Biden, apparently take a look at her, mainly because he has some pretty bad numbers among black Americans. Shocking, like Donald Trump, actually is cut into the black boat chair, so Stacey Abrams told to Heaven in an email. I believe women deserve to be heard. I believe that has happened here. The allegations have been hurt him. Don't you for too many women often is not the case. Then your times conducted a thorough investigation. Nothing in Times review or any other later reports suggest anything other than what I already know about Joe Biden that you will make women proudest next. President of the United, dementia double down on that she said. No, I don't have a double standard with Joe Biden Abrek Cabinet.
No double standard whatsoever. So she said on CNN that she'd there's no labels. Here, no novel, just in no double standard at all she's, not at all. I believe I believe now women deserve to be because too often they are not until a you have to have her story: listen to an investigating what was happening to Christine Blasi, What was there was no investigation, theirs. Consideration. They wouldn't have witnesses. There is a russian ports are no investigation, was conducted. They literally delayed the vote on bread cavenaugh by a full weeks of the F B, I could conduct an investigation. You remember this Jeff Flake delayed the vote for a week. Those allegations needed to be investigated. I believe in your times and subsequent reports support what the buying campaigns and I believe, Joe Biden, so maybe that has more to do Stacy Abrams wanting to be his VP candidate, the best you're. The best is Christian Jellyband, so Kirsten Jellyband, who is just a human bag of Plato they able to take any form she originally ran. As a conservative Democrat in New York was Pro gun and had questions about abortion and now she's running as it should
and for president as intersection a warrior on the ramparts of radical culture sleigh queen so person jail around the crap senator from New York, who basically came out against L, Frank and forced him to step down over allegations that he was grabbing women's boobs. While they were asleep and then she so came out against bright cabinets. Adjusted his life should be ruined because, while this and she said that, if she'd been around in politics Wait nineties when she probably should have. She probably would have gone up against the curtains and should have told the Clinton's that build me to leave where does after Hillary Clinton, supported her and after she took all of their support now, children's like you know due process, Joe Biden, so Bill Clinton under the Basque, as he is no longer useful, Brett Cabinet can't be uncertain. Court is there and verified and on evidence, delegations. And also we need to make sure that our Frank and leads descended, but you know who's the best Joe Biden Kristen Angela is just my
It has therefore been a more transparently ridiculous politician and Christine children, I'm not sure. What's going what time it's got in the water in Europe between Cuomo, ensure brand and blogger. You folks, into better class of criminal here is Kristen celebrate When we say believe women, it's for this explicit intention of making sure there is space for all women come forward to speak their truth to be heard. And in this allegation- that is what tar red has done an she has come where'd she spoken and Dave, done. An investigation in several outlets I stand by Vice President Biden has devoted his life to supporting them. And he has indeed need this allegation. Well, that is sum that That is a an amazing shifting position. There Kristen children and I'll be surprised
that, except that you play political twist, are basically every single day, which is why that zero votes in the democratic primaries. For president, one of the most lovely things was watching Kristen Jellyband twist herself into Gender studies major too well, as we in order run for president and then completely fallen on herself, a dying star, those those pre delicious. It is even more delicious watches shells out her final principle. The meeting in order back Joe Biden too, maybe grab a crumb of of maybe a cabinet fishing homemaker secretary of Housing and urban development Kirsten Joel brand. Rip ridiculous, ridiculous, stuff, millennia of assent of crossing, but I get the feeling this is a little bit and a double standard. Can it be bad for job? I remember people are saying, while he can just shout Trump, I'm just not sure because Trump as a really bad history with women, ok, you can try. It there's only one problem, and this is what Hilary discovered and twenty sixteen Donald Trump Z mud monster. The man is made of mud. If you throw money, Donald Trump, you know what
It's the same as you did before. He is still a madman transfer. If you throw mounted a mud monster, he now just has more about on him. If you throw mud at Joe Biden and Joe Biden has been portrayed as pure as the driven snow is clean and as light as a freshly spread bedsheet, that's gonna show a lot more and can be approved Joe Biden? Changing perception of a politician is much more dangerous than reinforcing a perception of a politician, so that is where things stand in twenty twenty with regard to your by moving back a little bit later today with two hours of digital content. Otherwise, we'll see you here tomorrow for much More adventure bear this. Eventually, Russia, if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available and Apple podcast Spotify and wherever you listened apart. Gas also be sure to check out the other dearly where podcast, including reclaiming show
it might go show and the Matt Walsh Show. Thanks for listening, dementia, Piero Show is produced by coltan, has directed by MIKE Joyner executive producer. Jeremy, boring supervising producer Half his lover and Robert Sterling Assistant director Why does technical produced Austin Stevens play back and media where, by Nick she had associate producer Katie's Winterton edited by Adam Science. Audio is mixed by MIKE Core here and make up by Negro Geneva, the men Shapiro Show is a daily where production happy. Daily wire, twenty twenty, of when you governor, Gavin Newsome, is ready to reopen shops in schools, but churches or staying closed for the foreseeable future. The reopen plans tell us a lot about the state of american Psycho Society, then Joe Biden gets a big endorsement from the woman who spent decades smearing all of Bill Clinton sexual victims. China faces new consequences for inflicting this virus on us and a surprise. Candidate enters the race for
All that more check it out on the Michael inertia.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-01.