« 60 Minutes

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Bill Whitaker reports on the case involving 12 Russian agents who interfered with the 2016 presidential election. Scientists have developed a way to decode human thoughts and emotions using MRI's and computer analysis. Lesley Stahl has the story. The heart-wrenching photo was seen all over the world. A man with his 2-year-old daughter inside his shirt -- face down on the bank of the Rio Grande River, drowned after trying to illegally enter the U.S. by swimming across. Tania Avalos, the wife and mother talks about the tragic incident -- for the first time -- with Sharyn Alfonsi. Those stories on tonight's "60 Minutes."  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
If anything has got a chance of solving the world's problems in science and technology and every breakthrough was result of some body during the breaking through I'm David pope This is unsung silence the untold creation stories behind the most mind, blowing advances in science and tough resented I see bs news and Simon sister, you can into unsung science, wherever you get your hide. Yes, it's not different than watergate. It's not different man when you know republicans came into the Dnc and store documents from the file cabinets, it's the cyber version of that they choose talk
about the russian government's hack of the twenty sixteen american elections. Sixty minutes has been investigating what twelve russian military officers actually stole. Who received the information? What was done with it, the russians never left. I can guarantee you in twenty six tina This all at the news they never left this summer, a searing image of desperation, was captured on the bank of the rio Grande, a father and his twenty three month old daughter, drowned after attempting to cross the river illegally. The details of their lives and ill fated crossing have largely been a mystery until tonight. Ok, this is tanya Thus, the mother and wife who survived, who among us hasn't wished. We could read someone else's mind: well, been following studies that are doing just that: identifying pattern
in the brain, the can reveal what a person is actually feeling. I think the emotion is envy out was correct. What were you thinking, friend arrest? I was just thinking about a former all I'm leslie stall. I'm whittaker, I'm anderson cooper, I'm I fancy I'm Scott Billy, those stories and more tonight on sixty minutes, What's your next adventure, Everyone deserves a chance to do what they love pacific. helps you reach financial goals. While you go after your personal ones, plans change over time and your financial solutions can two pacific lie. has a variety of financial solutions that can help. You compliment your life goals and passions while managing the uncertainties, by more than a hundred fifty years of experience, you can
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There was a lot of testimony during this past week's impeachment inquiry about foreign interference in our two thousand and sixteen election, including the president's assertion that ukraine was involved. But the president's own intelligence agencies say it was the russians who hacked the two thousand and sixteen elections special counsel. Robert mueller spelled it out in his report. Now the justice department has at least two open cases against russian citizens for interfering with our presidential an congressional races, we decided to take a closer look at one of them. The case against twelve russian military officers accused of breaking into the democratic parties, computers, stealing compromising information- and selectively releasing it undermine. Democratic candidates theirs
evidence of similar operations against republicans in twenty. Sixteen, with the twenty twenty election approaching the story of the russian hack, the russians never left. I can guarantee you and sixteen after this all at the news they never left. They didn't stop doing. What they're doing This wasn't just a one time saying no way, russia does Do it that way? Robert Anderson should know he spent one year's inside the cloak and dagger world of spies and hackers. we're seeing the fbi's counter intelligence and cyber divisions and tracking moscow, spy agencies and alphabet of artifice. The f s be, as we are and especially the g are you gee or you is military intelligence. So when we look at the attacks that happen during our presidential races in twenty, sixteen
you had military organisations answer of russia attacking our infrastructure. Are they hackers or are they soldiers so they're both cases and most these units are not just hackers, they're, probably some of the best medical minds in russia. These are seizing professionals that have worked away up the ranks to be in these units to carry out these strategic attacks. On behalf of that country, These are the hacker soldiers from gr you unit to six one, six, five who, according to the justice department, were responsible for breaking and entering into the democratic parties. Computers remotely from Moscow their names ranks and faces are now on the fbi's most wanted list for steel Among other things, the Democrats strategic plans, detailed targeting data and internal pulling.
gee. Are you colonel alexander, osso, jug, commanded, a separate unit, seven, four, four: five: five one of his officers was charge of spreading the stolen material to political operatives, bloggers and the media another hacked state election boards Some four hundred pound guy and his parents basement now it is a well choreographed military operation with you that not only were set up specifically to hack into obtain information, but for units that were used for psychological warfare or weaponizing that this is not an operation that was just put together haphazardly That was the two six one: six five unit, the justice department, national security division is overseeing the russian hacking case once they're doing that keystroke monitoring assistant
Any general John demurred runs the division along with deputies adam sean new deal. Attorney heather AL pino worked with special council mother on the russian indictments all have acts. as to the underlying intelligence and have No doubt the russians interfered in the twenties tina election, this really happened. Yes, that really happened, and we I believe that if we had two, we could prove that in court tomorrow, using only the admissible non classified evidence to twelve years. You ever expect to get the twelve an officials to trial. I would be surprised, but purpose and the indictment isn't just that although that, certainly one of the purposes, the purposes of this kind of indictment is even to educate the public for a legal document. Twenty nine page indictment is a page ter it detail.
How you s. Intelligence agencies tracked each defendants, actions sometimes by the keystroke, feeling the fictitious names and funny emails used to infiltrate the Democrats, computers, and tracing the stolen data on its cuba is route from one didn t seem to moscow. We infer. She's in the indictment is very detail. you have descriptions of russian agents typing into their computers. Obviously I can't go into too much. detailed, because I don't want to reveal invested the methods, but the insight here is that hind. Every one of those keyboard is not my appeared, since a human being those indicted g are you agents the! U S, says one team working out of Building in moscow called the tower created website and provocative character to this,
many, the stolen material, goose effort to point? Oh, lucifer. Two point: oh, is a fictional online persona. It's all an effort on the russian side. to hide. Their involvement in these guys are pretending to be one loan hackers correct and that works? What it gives them is plausible, deniability right the that they don't need. If it to work one hundred percent, as long as the russians can say, wasn't ass, posing as goose guccifer, two to point to the russians offered ups. all documents to Julian assange is wikileaks and self proclaimed dirty trickster roger stone, it was all part of a broad campaign to disrupt the presidential election There was another less well known part of the russian operation, undermine democrats running for commerce It started as
large document dumps, where lucifer to point now was kind of taunting. In saying I have more kelly war, burden was executive director of the deed, triple see the democrats congressional campaign committee when the russians hack the committee's computers. These bullet points at the time are the summary for how we need to win, giving swiped dumped on the internet material. She told us cost millions of dollars to produce battle plan four congressional races. Demographic recent John voters and extend Does he used on the weaknesses of their own candidates so when deliberate internally about anything. You know that's not intended to be made public and what makes this so important to understand these as stolen documents. It's not different than watergate, it's not different than when you know
republicans came into the Dnc and stole documents from the file cabinets. It's the cyber version of that they came to our office and they stole our documents documents are never intended to be public, and then they used that in the election even A crab party bosses are questioning, is character. Ward was shocked when republicans used the stolen internal materials. In this negative. Add we reached out to them It's you know we we said. We ve been the victims of a cyber attack by a foreign adversary. Will you may commitment not to use any of these stolen materials in the in the campaigner. In that sixteen election and wouldn't make a commitment to do so. She serves in the months leading up to the elections. Russian tactics evolved, the indiscriminate document dumped became more frequent and strategic. They were
thousands of documents that would show up on one day and then they got smarter and they started to release specific documents related our specific races or documents that were eaters. in our most targeted states and our most targeted areas: the russian urgent storm material, about candidates running for congress in pennsylvania, new hampshire, oh hi, illinois. ask her new mexico and north carolina, but one swing states seem to be the kremlin's primary target. Floored Twenty. Sixteen a net today was running for congress in the twenty sixth districts, which stretches self, miami to the florida keys, one of the most hotly. tested, races in this battle ground state. Today we had the full backing of the deed. Triple see, but her campaign was up ended. Two weeks before the primary I was
my way to tv debate live tv debate and I get a call. About the fact that not only where we hacked, but our formation is now public from our polling too. our male plan, in addition, so that the entire path to victory your game plan- yes, my opponent, Joe garcia, showed up add that debate with a print out of all the documents you modem and peter her primary on it. A fellow Democrat used the hack material as a prop paid her the conniving politician to contract. The same day. Goose over two point, o drop. This marking posed the congressional primaries are also becoming a farce, day or lost the primary, Garcia went on to lose the election to the republican candidate. You describe
South Florida is a rough and tumble, but this seems to ratchet it up a notch. We've seen a lot here, but this was This was a foreign government. This was so much bigger. You know I've been told, A lot of people you should stop talking about. This is really not good for you. literally to remind people that you lost, but I refuse to stop talking about it because again, If it can happen to me, it can happen to any one and it didn't happen. It happened to our democracy. You by how much seven hundred votes. This is where elections are cited by a percentage point or so a coin toss Add the russians onto that and you're. Looking at a real problem. Marc caputo has covered florida politics for twenty. here's the senior writer for political was one of the report, those who received and wrote about the hackers documents not allow
People know that the russians interfered in five congressional races. Here in florida, when did you first get window it? Well, I've been paying attention like the rest of the press corps that russia had been hacking and russia had been trying to interfere in election system and then out of the blue. I got contacted by this blogger, hello, Florida. The blogger turned out to be this man Erin never wanted shady shadier political operators in the sunshine state. The republican strategist wouldn't talk to us on camp, but he did talk special counsel, Robert Mueller's investigators. He admits direct messaging goose over two point. Oh king for any florida related documents, seeing willing participants, the russians flooded nevins with hacked materials holy, F man, he responded, I dont think You realize what you gave me. This is probably
worth millions of dollars, lucifer to point o responded, kay. You owe me a million with a smiley face, Nevins post the stolen documents on his website organised in files and alerted florida journalists who couldn't resist publishing the Democrats secrets at one point: Nevins wrote the russians. I honestly think you helped sink Yet today or in florida, twenty six. You played a role in disseminating this stolen information. I have a role to play as a reporter covering campaigns. and sometimes that information comes to us from a variety of sources, and in this case it came to us from a source right at the edge of being unusable. Ultimately, we decided well, this tells a legitimate story about how these campaigns view their own candidates and voters have a right to that information
This operation was a huge success in former fbi spy. Robert Anderson says russia's goal today the same as in the soviet era to so Scored in the u s and down about our democracy around the world. In that you need to worry about with russia and every one of their intelligence services, as they will learn from these operations. They'll learn how easy it is to gain access to government and private accounts to learn how quickly the information that they put in front of somebody will disseminated they wore analyze, everything they did right or wrong and when they attack again, they will not come, In the same way, This summer and image of desperation was captured on the bank of the rio grande. If you saw the photo, you may never forget it
a father and his twenty three month old daughter face down in the muddy river, the to drown trying to get to the united states. like hundreds of others who have died, trying to cross the river illegally many of details of their lives and how they died rather mystery or reported incorrectly, but tonight you from the only person who knows the story behind that photo, including the moment she saw her husband and daughter swept away her name. is time you and last month enough the door. She told us her story. This is the photo that appeared on the front page of newspapers. a father with his young daughter. Tucked inside, is t shirt face down on the bank of the rio grande, but since the photo tanya Avellanos wants you to remember of her family. That's her their husband, oscar and daughter malaria, it was taken on valerius first birthday,
Tanya had not spoken to anyone about what happened to them. But told us she wanted to talk about her faith said that was our first question. Tell me about your face and higher faith is, can guided you through the last few months, where's premarital. I certainly ideals first like to thank god above arguments for the opportunity he's giving me That may be able to share our message with the world. They can see and think. Gathered. Sometimes my lead as I did. is solely dont. Really, in tanya, oscar med. Five years ago She told us. She was attracted to his quiet confidence, says ask anyone what's oscar like. and I'll. Tell you wonderful things about him. God gave you're a good man. He would say to me: I wanna be a father
I want to be a father of a little girl. That is you and, I would say, come down. I have to study at and so at the end, formally formed a family the daughter, oscar wanted so badly born in July. Two thousand seventeen tanya showed us family food or, should I say, daddy to search here she is a year old trying to learn to pronounce your own name, malaria. tell me about valeria, my daughter. was an extraordinary girl area. Very intelligent, that everyone called her by her nickname, buckler cheetah, because she had curly hair she loved to dance. I would go to work. I had a job that took all of my time. Reality employee and I would say for you, my love but
new. We do all this. Your family lived on the outskirts of sand salvador in a suburb called sand martine. It has the same problems as much of the country, a third of its red. and live on less than five and a half dollars a day and getting vital is rampant el Salvador where has the highest homicide rate of any country, not at war, oscars neighbourhood was controlled by the bar you eighteen gang, which demands protection money. from businesses in some people's paychecks tom, worked at a chinese restaurant oscar at a pizza place. in this small house with his mother? What your dream your family, wouldn't you hoped why did you leave home mr swing in our dream, was to move our family forward every when the EU has dreams a little screw was a person who would say here
I don't want my mother to have to work. my father to have to work what is all to get ahead: dolls, oscar twenty five years sold his most valuable possession is motorcycle and admire. The young family left of salvador for the united states. There first stop was the city of top a tula on mexico's or with guatemala there, the family waited for a travel, so they would allow them to go through mexico to support the family. Oscar worked at a food stand, for seven dollars in fifty cents a day not get out more. We stayed for two months in temperature in perpetual every day was a new day and a new challenge, but always in god's hands. In top a jeweler oscar, met another salvadoran milton parties, Four of them decided to run a room together in late
to make the bus trip to the u s border tongue. You told us didn't have any money after they spend three hundred dollars on the bus tickets. It took thirty two hours to make the thousand mile trip. They arrive I have been matamoros mexico in the early morning of Sunday june. Twenty third, the border town, was a blistering waiting room for central americans hoping for asylum in the united states. According to data from department of homeland security there was at least the two month. We see a? U S, immigration judge even then just two out of ten now the door and meet the threshold to be granted asylum, oscar tanya milton didn't know those odds they got to Madame morris and they spend all their money soon after they arrived, they went to cross the main brain that stretches over the rio grande to brownsville texas
tanya and milton both told us. They were stopped on the mexican side by thugs who demanded thirteen hundred dollars to pass over the bridge of boats. They probably spent a good I don't have time walking around sun and thinking what we were going to do. So we thought of those let's crossed the river heal but it cannot because we don't have any money to pay similar to get us ass to immigration, meet us yo. Right then, and there we decided that we were going to cross the river This is where they went the banks of the rio Grande noon, Spanish, as the real bravo were rough river. Here it's about fish the arts, why america appeared to be in reach, tommy, said they made the decision to swim across the river and enter the union
states illegally in what we said to each other. The time is now a the the time is now for us to do. This Improvised plan was to surrender to the: u s border patrol once they got the other side, oscar swam across the river first, to see if anyone would stop them He was signalling to us that no one, was there. So then he came back because I as on the mexican side? With my daughter, I said to him, I'm scared- And he said to me everything's going to be fine. The surface of the rio Grande appears com, but emerge
two responders and south texas told us the rivers current can be unpredictable and ferocious enough to suck you wonder. Tanya couldn't swim, so they decided milton who was a strong swimmer, would carry her on his back oscar decided to carry his daughter, Valeria intimately put her down. Inside his shirts. Obviously he could you carry her on top because she might fall off at the site since he was then and his shirt was very big and this our daughter fit perfectly inside. You have any started to swim, and I followed behind, and I'm doing ok, I mean he was close, very close your hand. I noticed him starting to get frustrated made out to say so. I could see that he was coming off and going under your
told us that, in her panic, she was barely able to hold on to milton, as he turned back just that Well, as you so much water, I think so much water, and I was desperate. Even I got out I got out and the mexican side and I could still see my husband there's struggling struggling alone, my daughter, I saw her. I saw her, you know, said my, god. My lord, please get them out of their signal. And I just saw my husband giving me a glance I couldn't see him anymore. Joe in could not see him anymore. That's tanya, showing six officers where she saw oscar and malaria last diver
suspended. Their search at sundown may lead took me to the migrant shelter and not to models They walked in I saw a lot of emigrants from different countries started. Telling them is don't sacrificer children they prayed to. The lord I'll give you everything you want, but don't emigrate oscar valerius bodies were discovered. The next morning washed up on the mexican side of the river, a photographer was there and snapped the now famous photo father and daughter in a final embrace, The days that followed the image became a global symbol of the crisis in america. Southern border, the photograph that off I saw this week, should tear all of us up. It prompted a brief Oh man of by partisan reflection for congress deadlocked
on immigration. I hope that picture alone will catalyze this congress this Senate this committee to do something within a Egg congress did pass an emergency multi billion dollar package to hire you judges and build facilities to with the surge of central americans at the. U s border. Since then The congress has not passed any immigration legislation that, after that I have a little soul. What many people wrote to me make graveyard they said they were very sorry to others, I mean called names and told her It was growing gap that my daughter's life at risk that I didn't love them They made me feel so bad, but Oscar Valeria died in june. The bodies of at least
fifty two more migrants have been found in the rio grande, four of them children. Most of their stories are unknown. This story and with the twenty one year old widow anymore. memorial on the bank of the river. It reads in men We have little valeria and her papa oscar. to our family, here family supporting? What is your life like now? They ve been back, so I do I have my mother and my siblings I almost never cry at home, but because, I am afraid, still feel bad. Joe mill. I hold it all in one of the boys. but there are times when I just break completely george- I cry all. I have to cry you that Maybe I wash your face and I go out when they go back to work and I keep going
who among us, hasn't wished. We could read someone else's mind, know exactly what their thinking. Well, that's impossible, of course, since our thoughts more than anything else, our own private, personal unreachable, or at least that's what we ve always well. What advances in neuroscience have shown that, on a physical level, our thoughts are actually a vast work of neurons firing all across our brains. So if that brain activity could be identified and analyzed could our thoughts decode it could our minds be read. A team of scientists. A carnegie melon university in pittsburgh has spent more than a decade trying to do just that. We started our reporting on their work ten years ago and what they have discovered sense has drawn us back,
in carnegie melons scanner, rule two floors underground have seen a steady stream of research subjects to have their brains and thoughts read in this. Am mri machine. It's a type of scanning called functional mri, f m awry Europe in that will start that looks at what's happening inside the brain ass, a person thinks it's like being astronomer when the first telescope is discovered or being a biologist when the first microscope is is developed. Neuro scientists marcel just says this text, ecology has made it possible for the first time to see the physical make up of our thoughts. Raising you ready started when we first,
would a doctor just lab ten years ago, he and his team had conducted a study. They put people in the scanner and asked them to think about ten objects, five of them tools like screwdriver and hammer and five of them dwellings like igloo and castle, while measuring activity levels throughout their brains. The idea was to crunch the data and try to identify distinctive patterns of activity for each object. You had them think about a screwdriver in the computer, I found the place and the brain where that person was thinking. Screwdriver screwdriver ism one place in the brain, its many places in the brain when you think of a screwdriver, you think about how you hold it, how you twisted what it looks like should those functions are indifferent place ref. He showed us that by dividing the brain into thousands of tiny, cubes and anna,
using the amount of activity and each one, his team able to identify unique patterns for each object. You're reading a minds were identifying the thought. That's occurring, it's incredible, just incredible incredible, but only the beginning in the decade since professor just lab has taken this technique and applied at far beyond hammers and igloos to increasingly complex thought. This is basic science. Knowledge for knowledge is sake not trying to cure disease, but two understand the fundamental workings of our bodies and in in the case of our minds. one of doktor just mean questions- was whether he could find patterns for abstract ideas, so Did a study asking people to think about forgiveness, gossip spirituality? Could
Maybe I identifiable in the brain the way the screwdriver was remarked. I, the answer was yes like this was the active. sure pattern when people thought about spirituality- and this was gossip one life for subjects? And you see a slightly different pattern, one difference between the two was in areas of the brain scientists had already shown become active when we think about other people circled in blue Those areas lit up bright red when subjects thought about gossip, not so much for spirituality in another study, doktor just tested weather patterns are the same. When people think indifferent languages, they are Andrews asked acting students to conjure up emotions in the scanner to see if feelings have distinctive actively, patterns to, and what did you find
each emotion, had its own characteristic values and you could tell which one with which the same in every head amazed. Way. It was common across people common across people Does that mean we could put our colleague associate producer jamie woods into a scanner for the first time and doktor just team would be able to, jennifer, her emotions, social. seeing words for nine. Seconds each Jamie's job was to think little scenarios that would conjure up the feelings on the screen after she came out come back. How a computer program took the brain activation data gathered by the scanner and tried to decode her thoughts What were you thinking about four discuss? I was thinking himself throwing up on me like a baseball game, and so could the computer read her brain patterns and tell what she'd been feeling
Programmes answer is, I think the most is discussed the expense the motion was actually discussed. There was correct next I think the emotion is envy. What were you thinking? Friends? I was a thing. they are beautiful model that a computer program got of jamie's emotions right. It's reading what this feeling, and it's funny, isn't it because it so personal, we all think of our thoughts, so individual, so intimate how anybody else's thoughts be like mine, and they are its feelings to hear feelings now. Obviously people think very different thoughts, but it seems like people choose to do. From things with their bodies, but they all walk pudding. put in front of the other. Nobody walk sideways. Nobody walks backward systematically, there's something about the boy, logical apparatus that makes you act in a certain way with your body and we idle.
think. We realise the degree to which the biological apparatus that we have in our skulls governs shapes the way we think professor just school is to work They create a dictionary, a brain activation, a key toward all different thoughts. look like inside our minds, but he all started wondering whether those deafening and might be different in people with disorders like autism. Swing your legs after this prior research had found structural differences in the brains of people with autism. So the question was whether thought patterns might differ too. my job is rob. How are you doing? Doktor, just team recruited seventeen adults with autism and ask them as well. Seventeen control subjects to think about. So Show interactions like a door hog humiliate
challenging terrain. For many with autism, the results were striking. The Activation patterns differed enough to tell who had autism and who didn't with Ninety seven percent accuracy, the people with autism thought of social interactions apart from themselves as he showed us in these findings. For the word hug, the key differences in brain regions that activate when we think about ourselves circled in blue right there there and there those areas light up. Much more among the controls, whereas the autism. Subjects showed far less division. They thought of it more like definition of hog without self involvement, and that you saw with word afterward. Yes, I just thought. While this is the thing I've heard about an hour, long david.
Brandt branches, a psychiatrist at the university of pittsburgh medical center, where he runs clinics. We're suicidal adolescence. He happened to attend a talk marcel jost was giving about his autism. Fine and immediately wondered about his own patients, so I went to him afterwards. When I said, would you be interested in talking about maybe doing a study suicide you here cases of suicide where the person had been depressed, but you also here of situations where people say nothing wrong. Suicide as the great mystery, because the person who knows the most about why it happened. Isn't there to talk with you. Try to reconstruct would have. But nobody has a window in the people's. You know terrier thoughts, nobody that is except someone with a mind. Reading device, doctors just and brandt began planning a pilot study
to see if the scanner might reveal what is altered in the thoughts of people contemplating suicide, they reached out to Matt knock a harvard professor who has studied how difficult it for doctors and emergency rooms to know which patients are safe to send home? Is this the first time and they looked inside the brain to see about suicidal thoughts. Yes was the first that I've ever we're someone's looked in the brain of someone who's suicidal, whose We are thinking about death or suicide, I see life as something that's gonna, be fix. The only way to get out of it is to kill yourself dan tusky, a former patient, a doctor Brandt's clinic I wanted to participate in the study to help scientists better. or understand, suicidal thinking. Do you think in terms of the word pain. pain is when you
make a limb or you have a migraine ends. It hurt so bad You can't see this being depressed recital it's much greater, much greer, much greater than pain to be in the study. Subjects. to have had suicidal thoughts within the prior month. They and control subjects were asked to think about words like funeral and death, as well as positive words, including praise good and you're free in both categories, the suicidal group, differed from controls. This is the group that thing about suicide, as with the art some study, the key differences. Not to be in those self related areas, they lit up I read among suicidal subjects when they thought about death related words, I can the word funeral, you know what do you think about? Maybe your
our mothers funeral or something like that. Actually a suicidal person is much worse. I gotta say my funeral worker for positive words. The findings were exactly the opposite. When the non suicidal controls thought about the word care free. They thought about something. and involve themselves suicidal subjects significantly less out, did you ever. Imagine that you could ask people to think about the word care, free and you'd be able to tell if someone was having suicidal thoughts, No, you know I set breakthrough idea, it's a lot of fun if your basic scientists to discuss or how things work, but it becomes there's an your level of gratification. When you learn that its possibly helpful and useful, this work is still in its infancy, doctors, just brent and now are doing a larger and age funded study to collect more data and
for now it's too costly and cumbersome to put people into mri scanners to see if it save to release them from hospital if they could come up an easier way to do this. Absolute just like the first gps was a big computer and a big room. Now, it's in all our phones, if there's a way to a few steps on the road make much more compact disappeared. and bring into emergency room than our patient clinics. They could go a huge waiters or clinical care, but as this knowledge advances towards fulfilling its full promise. It's hard. I also wonder about its peril. Will it ever be possible to read someone's thoughts precisely the thoughts are there precisely if you could just get close enough? so the electrical activity. You think one day, we'll figure out how to do that. Yes which means that will never be able to have our thoughts.
quaintly secure within ourselves. I think it will be technologically possible to invade people's thoughts, but it's our societal obligation to make sure that never happens. In the mail. This week, viewers com painted on into the deep bill. Whittaker store about mining, something called nodules that are filled with valley, Bull rare earth metals and are scattered across the pacific ocean floor I'm so mad at the destruction of the deep sea for the mining of nodules. isn't it enough to destroy the surface of the earth While I dont want to kill any unknown plants and animals down there. I also We desperately need the rare metals, I'm sure no fancy we'll be back next week with another addition of sixty minutes, followed by a second healthy. Sixty minutes, great adventures, happy thanksgiving.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-05.