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As small businesses and restaurants bear the brunt of the COVID-19's economic impact, some are adapting and helping each other. Scott Pelley shares their stories. Aging Holocaust survivors now have the chance to record their memories in a way that will allow future generations to literally ask them about their experiences, and see and hear their answers. Lesley Stahl reports. Those stories on this week's "60 Minutes."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In march two thousand and twenty a family on the northern cheyenne reservation in lame deer montana got shocking news about their loved one christie wouldn't die. My daughter came and notified me that Christie was run over. I said it should be ok and she's like no. She died. I was like what missing justice from CBS news takes you inside what really happened that night and the federal investigation that followed, listen to miss injustice from CBS news on amazon, music, for wherever you get your podcasts If we're going to use the contact center, my name is Maria mahama and sister, ten million americans filed for unemployment in the past two weeks. I also have your address. That's more lost than in the eighteen months of the great recession. Most lay offs are coming
the largest employer of all small business? How many people have you laid off over two thousand people, restaurant jobs or the most vulnerable retail is second, then you start to look at all the concentric circles: the people that you are flowers, the people that deliver the bread, the people who fish for our fish, learning tonight as the world's struggles to contain and recover from the novel corona virus we offer Story we completed just before life change so dramatically, can you sing muse from your youth, yeah, no judge, it's a story of history. Hope survival and resilience which has its and another time when the world was convulsed by crisis world war, two aaron tell us what your parents did before
the war they owned and operated a butcher shop. This interview, was unlike any, we have ever done. Keep your mentality, keep your soul, keep your mind. incredibly aaron elster, a holocaust survivor, died two years ago. What's the weather like today, I'm actually recording. I cannot answer that. Question I'm Lesley Stahl I'm bill whitaker, I'm anderson cooper, I'm John dickerson, I'm scott pelley, Those stories tonight on sixty minutes,
This is the take out with major guarantor special guess, morocco, and working to talk about more bitch raises. There's no podcast. I love more than this when it's basically things that I think deserve a second lock already this season we had John Denver we'd names. We looked at names like Mildred Burthen, Todd of which fell off the map, and I'm sorry that we can include major, but that would have been really interesting. Actually do you know where it ranks major, very, very low for more from this week's conversation, follow that take out with major garrett on apple podcasts or for wherever you get your podcast ten. million americans filed for unemployment in the last two weeks, that's more jobs. Worse than in the eighteen months of the great recession, those I'd like to buy corona virus include business owners at the height of their success americans, who ever imagined asking for help and those who believe we would never again explore the depths of the nineteen thirty's coastal coast.
The economy is in a critical condition, with workers idle that boeing general motors ford g, mary out and macy's but the largest job losses will likely come from the biggest employer of all small business. when I look around at my dining a hundred and nine people. We normally see a lot of life right now. I see despair. the restaurants, and only then this is what we have asked the empty space. Three weeks ago, you were lucky to get one of these tables at members in harlem. I started now those sixteen years ago with money that I saved up under my man. Literally, under the mattress literally under the mattress, so Look watching my mother doing that and done I emulated it
saving sacrificing carolina cooking made Melba Wilson a hit now She's laid off twenty four employees now is restricted to take out and delivery. Like new york city other twenty seven thousand restaurants. Overall, one of the cities we're just employers. Well, if you're, looking at the bigger picture across new york, you're looking at restaurants, you're looking at nightlife and you're, looking at almost a half a million people that don't have jobs that cannot feed their families, that cannot pay their bills. That don't know where their next meal's coming from. That's despair, that's devastation! How much devastation is, by economists has an eventual unemployment rate between ten and thirty percent.
We found the numbers would be higher if state on employment offices were not overwhelmed. All specialists are busy with other customers. You must call back, as we have done at fifty times every day for two weeks. Two weeks ago, Caitlin Reynolds was a vice president of affirmed that organizes business conferences. She filed for unam women on line but discovered her last step in new york is a mandatory phone call fifty times a day since march, sixteenth to get through to the contact centre for employment to continue my claim
I have not yet been able to get through. It's going to be like the guy hello found. The unemployment office website had crashed, he would go two or three pages in any way. For you out will tell you that your session is timed out you and then you do with go six pages in again with Foi artist session has timed out. He will go all the way to the end. Just press submit you press submit, and he will tell you a session as timed out that you really love time ran out on the hotel where Hillel was a manager. of Israel. He worked and hospitality for twenty years when his five. Red room times square hotel closed. He went to his wife to children and a new occupation rates. I connected With the unemployment office after I think ten days, I was able to submit and go to the next step, which was a phone call your child want to,
Six: zero six, no one of the unemployment office, his answering his call either we are exploring I value, but also at this time in the meal, credit card company is giving him a break for ninety days. No good luck with his car payment? What is it like? after so many years in your industry bringing home a paycheck every week. What is it like that? You're? Not doing that now hurts your pride in a way you know sleepless I welcome you to move to ny thinking worrying and what will be next? How can we? How can we get to the next step? Have you ever applied for unemployment before lever? How do you feel about it, At first I was wise embarrass. I've worked since I was fifteen. I've always put work
of anything else I've? Never! I never thought it would be in a position like this, where I would need to ask for help or you a month away from being broke two months away. I'd say about a month: yeah. It may take a month or more for the largest government they allowed in history to show much effect federally. Act. Emergency small business loans will become available through banks Demand is likely to cause delay like those calls. The unemployment office claims lie. Melba Wilson applied for alone please or waiting there was devastating. I was heartbroken. I was scared. Scared for me and scare, for my daughter, a lesion vero was laid off at melbourne after two years. She single with a one and a half year old daughter and the list of questions. Can I feed my family? How can I pay bills you one day
this last three or four months am I gonna become homeless. We have other camera unemployment. its have been temporarily increased for the emergency, about double in many states, but even then at leaves navarro about two thousand dollars a month short thing rain this month I won't be able to pay my cable and I won't be able to pay my phone bill. You got. The rent covered definitely have the rent covered for this month, but I do I have a cover for the next two months But after that, what do I do? New york ordered and ninety days stop on evictions nation wide foreclosures. federally backed mortgages are delayed. Sixty days like most americans deletion of arrows expecting a one time check of twelve hundred dollars from the bail out fund and five ridiculous for her daughter, elisa, but those
tax or likely six or eight weeks away has Caitlin Reynolds found. The safety net was man to catch so many millions at once. You know I'm curious. Would you rising unemployment office again tabs cinema we're sorry. We are experiencing an extremely high volume of calls at this time. Thank you for calling you stay. Contacts sentiment is my mohammed system. The high volume of calls his one point: three million a day the state office told us it's cool, leading sixty one thousand applications for day, have you first and last name. They also have your address answer. The question is trust. another reason: you're no longer working as a lack of work discharged or quit. Like states, new york is attempting to spread calls across different days of the week, based on the applicants. Last names.
State is training another two hundred reinforcements. Some we'll take calls from home we're doing everything we can to get people paid as soon as possible. This virus has, for me ben almost like a hurricane with no wind. Forest fire with no flame rethink, danny Meyer use among new york's, most successful restaurant tours he started, Jake check, chain and run. Twenty other restaurants, how many who have you laid off, we ve, laid off over two thousand people by now,. Restaurant jobs are the most vulnerable when the crisis retail is second there's about six hundred and sixty thousand restaurants in amerika. You can do the math on how many human beings are
actively working, producing something of real value by bringing people together and they're out of work right now. The math is Twelve million jobs and restaurants which might explained, is only the start. Then you start to look at all the concentric circles: the people that you are flowers, the people that deliver the bread, the people who fish for our fish. We know from the farmers in the green market that if people are not gathering and restaurants, are not open, how do you know what to plant? You not go to the trouble of planting a crop Only to have it go fallow, factories are fallow to manufacturing. Output is dropping at the fastest rate. Since the great recession we employed about one hundred and twenty full time employees at their next studio. Five hundred
go narc, bed, narc, brooklyn, design and and company that makes displays for retailers, retailers. We laugh about. Twenty five percent of our staff about thirty people made, it basically pay cuts across the board for everyone's always reduction his factory bill and would glass, metal and plastic. He has of contracts at the moment to last about a month and a half we sorta or trying to stay then find a way to get through six weeks and hope. On the other side, there be something to do, and you found a way we did over night working partner bed. Narc is now manufacturing gear for hospitals, the minimum here is eighteen dollars an hour there, making twenties seven thousand face she'll. Today the new york department of health wants to buy half a million, so you were forced to lay off about thirty people, and now you pie
how many with pride higher close to a hundred ourselves. This there's about three hundred a foreigner people working on this project. we have truck drivers and we have. Then we have auxiliary people working on every day we get a new, a luncheon by a local restaurant and deliver a hundred sixty box launches. A restaurant that was close, the attic ship or take out is now delivering a hundred and fifty lunches to your face, mask factor our goal is to be its basically to keep the funds in brooklyn. Keep the funds in new york help people help others by you know giving them a lunch we can employ in ten fifteen people at a restaurant each day we really heard a lot of stories of empathy, Elise navarro from four members cooked up one way to help I study how to do how made has, It is a lie, saws, homey mass, to help people who are less, who are unfortunate and who can afford those things, and you can make them where every day
Some supplies, kind of a danny Meyer started a nonprofit charity, making grants to his most needy former employees and Michael bed. Narco people are sacrificing for each other. We had some employees offering to but their weak, so they do twenty hours in and have their counterparts twenty hours. I we just to sort of key people working in key people, those inky people getting paid. You had employed Volunteer to split their weeks, somebody who was less fortunate correct the best of these stories happen for our eyes and chicken dish, a drill, sam, jerry hey Melba Wilson took an order for takeout Someone who wanted to remain anonymous, one hunt dinner's to be delivered. Nearby mount Sinai hospital. on voice on the phone joining
Horace of americans longing for better days ahead. I am first of all by the fact that you're doing this for the medical staff and also that you're holding monthly, certainly in the world. To me yeah. My is I just happened to be the other and thank you so much and stay safe. May god continue to bless? Thank you, for my grandmother always told us. This too shall pass, and it's times and a whinge of trials and tribulations that I lean on my faith and I'll lean on my spirit. I don't know how I don't know when, but believe me this too,
Pass, if anything has got a chance of solving the world's problems, it science and technology and every breakthrough was the result of some body doing the breaking through I'm David pope. This is unsung science, the untold creation stories behind the most mine blowing advances in science and tough, resented by sea bs news and Simon inch. Mister, you can listen to unsung science wherever you get your high gases tonight as the world struggles to contain and record or from the novel corona virus, we offer a story. We completed just before life change so dramatically. It is a story of history, hope, survival and resilience, which has its roots. In another time when the world was convulsed by crisis world war to this year,
marks the seventy fifth anniversary of the end of that war and the liberation of concentration camps across Europe most of the survivors who remain are now in their eightys and ninetys. Soon there will be no one left who experienced the horrors of the holocaust first hand, no one to answer questions or bear witness to future generations, but as leslie stall reports, a new and dramatic effort is under way to change that harnessing the technologies of the present and the future. It keeps alive the ability to talk to and get answers from the past high on AL. Can I ask you some questions and ask me anything: you want within reason our interview with holocaust survivor, Aaron elster, who spent two years of his child,
hidden in a neighbours attic was, unlike any interview we have ever done. Aaron tell us what your parents did before the war they owned and operated a butcher show it wasn't the content of the interview that was so unusual. Where did you live. I was born in a small town, fallen call sakharov put. Lastly, it's the fact that this in our view, was with a man who was no longer alive. Errand elster died two years ago. What's the weather like today, a machel every corny? I cannot answer that question. This virus were getting very odd. Heather mayo came up with the idea for this project. She had worked on exhibits, featuring holocaust survivor for years and wandered future generations to have the same opportunity to interact with them ass. She had. I wanted to.
to a holocaust survivor like I would today, with that person sitting right in front of me and we were having a conversation. She knew that back in the nineties, after making film schindler's list Steven Spielberg created a foundation named for the hebrew word for the holocaust shoah, clients to film and collect. testimonies from as many survivors as possible, your own, they have interviewed nearly fifty five thousand of them so far and of stored them at the university of southern california but may I dreamed of something more dynamic, being able to actively converse survivors after they're gone and she figured in the age of artifice Intelligence tools like siri and alexa, the technology had to be creatable
being involved in the interview holocaust survivor. For over years she brought the idea to stephen smith executive sector of the: u s c, shoah, foundation and now her husband, he loved it, but some of his colleagues weren't so sure one of them looked at me. She's, like you, want to talk dead people. You said yes, because that's the point, that's the point. Well, maybe people thought your turning the holocaust into something. Maybe hokey here, there's a dead you're gonna disney by disney by the holocaust. We had a lot of pushed back on this point. And is it the right thing to do what about the wellbeing of the survivors? Are we trying to keep them alive beyond that? Does everyone at questions, except for one group of people, the survivors themselves? We said: where do I sign up? I would like to participate in this project. No barriers to entry actually have the boat, so I got the first survey
They signed up to do a trial run when I was a man named pink, a scooter who was born in poland and deported to the I donno concentration camp with his parents and twin sister sabena at the age of eleven He's the only one who survived they flew pinkus from his home and rancho, to los angeles and asked him to sit inside so you're in this dome, what I call it the sphere: they called it the dome and then eventually was called a bubble. bubbles surrounding him with whites and more than twenty cameras water after the goal was to future proof the interviews so as technology advances and three d hologram like projection becomes the norm? They'll have well the necessary angles. So, the very first day we went to film pickups. We had these ultra high speed cameras that were all linked together and synced together to make the switch.
And so we sit down on a press record, nothing happens so because he's sitting there were six thousand nellie delights on him and cameras at work, and I go back to sleep now. Sunglasses shielded his eyes. When are we going to work? I was bored super uber cheer, so thinking to myself. So suddenly, stephen had this idea, always thinking we gonna record some songs of He was such a good sport is really can spark eventually cameras rolled and pink us was asked to come back to the bubble, for the real thing. How long were you in that chair a whole week from nine to five a week? We were there with breaks for lunch, and but I was there from nine to five answering questions. Oh my gosh. It took so long because they asked him nearly two thousand questions.
The idea was to cover every conceivable question. Anyone might ever want to ask him. Did you have to look exactly the same item where the same clothes and I had three pairs of the same decades? The same shirts, The same trousers, the same shoes every morning, Pinkus can now be seen in, though shirts trousers in shoes. At holocaust museums in Dallas indiana and here at the why holocaust museum in Skokie outside your cargo, we're visitors can ask him their own questions. What kept you going or what gave you hope while you are experiencing hardship in the camps, we did hope at that the nazis would lose the war pink as it's image is projected onto an eleven foot. High screen with what we'd see here. Smith joined us to explain how the tech
ology works so what's happening is all of the answers to the questions of papers gave go into database than when you ask a question the algorithm is looking through all the database. Do I have an answer to that and they it'll bring back. What it thinks is the closest answer to your question. I'm gonna try talking to pink ass, a writer. Did you have a happy childhood out a very happy childhood. My parents were wine makers, my father start. The teaching me to become a. Why make it when I was sitting in a half, he has all by the age of five, I could already read and I could ready right now- we're very smart. Thank you. I've noticed there's a little jingle right before a pink has started. What is that? What you see here isn't a human being is this video clips are being bought it up to each other and played and as it searches and brings
clippin you you just using a little bit of a jump cut. The jump cut, stop being distracting once we started talking about the fate of pink as his family tell us what happened. When you got to the camp as soon as we arrive there, we were being separated into different groups and my sister for How push towards the children- and I saw her- she must have spotted my mother ran towards my mother. I saw my mother and she had her and since that all I can remember whenever I say go. My sister is headlong long gone. That was the last time he saw his twin sister sabena. He learn, later that day that she and both his parents had been killed in the gas chambers
Pinkus was alone at age eleven put to work as a slave labour. Did you ever see anybody killed Unfortunately, I saw many people die from my eyes. Wasn't sure how a recording would handle what I wanted to ask pincus. Next, how can you still have faith in god? How can you possibly not believe in god? Well, how did he let this happen? Gods gave human beings the knowledge of right and wrong, and he allowed them to do what they wished on this earth to find their own way. To my mind, when god sees what human beings are up to, especially things like genocide, he weeps wow Steven. I could ask him
for ten hours and on the screen. Since pink a scooter was filmed, the shoah foundation has recorded interviews with twenty. One more holocaust survivors, each for a full weak. If shrunk, the set up required, so they can take a more Both rig on the road to record survivors close to where they live, they have deliberately chosen interview subjects with all different wartime experience Is survivors of outwits, hidden children and, as we see, Well, last fall in new jersey. Ninety three year old, Aoun mosque and who isn't a holocaust survivor? He was a liberator andrei that care, but the most horrific site, I've ever seen or ever hope to see the rest. I, like my skin, was an eighteen year old private when
Army units liberated a little known concentration camp called goons curtain. There was a pile of scarlet like bodies on the left. There was another piles scout like bodies on the right, those poor souls, that's the term by lieutenant, kept screaming all my you look at these poor souls of each of our minds. Answers is then isolated by a team of researchers at the shoah foundation office the expression of the attitude of all of us, what a freak? What is this mighty? Who, in the system of a variety of questions. People might ask to trigger that response. For every question that we asked. There are fifteen different ways of asking the same question and that's fed in and that's all manual editors rotate the image
the green screen background into black and then a long process of testing begins by some of it in schools. So, MR pink us on your screen, students or ass, to try it out, ask whatever questions they want and see. If the system cause of the correct answer. How did you find out that your city was getting invaded by germany? Would you ever want to seek revenge? How did you feel about your family? Can you rephrase that leaves every question and response is then reviewed? We log every single question is asked of the system and see if there is a better response that addresses that question more directly as rediscovered.
Still a work in progress. Tell us about your family when you were a little boy. How about you asked me about life after the war to a couple of things about artificial intelligence. It is mainly artificial and not so intelligent, said oh yeah for now, but the beauty of artificial intelligence is it developed Over time, so we are changing the content. All the answers remained the same, but over time the range of questions that you can ask will be enhanced considerably and you had to stay silent questions to draw out what it was like four aaron ouster hiding in that attic seventy five years ago, I just afraid, got to let me live till. I was twenty five. I want. The first one adult world would be like the rest of that conversation with aaron elster as well.
as one with a survivor of Joseph mangle is infamous twin experiments at auschwitz when we come back so lucky guy. Yes, I Forty eight hours and c b s news present season three of my life of crime with Erin Moriarty. This season join erin for extended interviews with convicted murderers, go beyond speculation to the evidence in our toro. Gaudy really commit suicide at what happened to jennifer. Do lows: the connecticut mom still missing almost four years later. Listen to my life of crime, from forty eight hours on amazon, music or wherever you get your pot of ass this weekend, while we care for our families, we Where many families grieve for loved ones, loss to the pandemic, perhaps telling their stories
and finding some solace in shared memories. The power of Your memory lies at the heart of the show of foundations project to allow meaningful conversations with holocaust survivors, even after survivors themselves are gone of more twenty men and women who have participated so far. Three have already passed away. tonight, we are sharing leslie stalls conversations with two of them. Processions that at times felt so normal leslie says she could almost forget. She was talking with the Digital image of someone no longer living first spunky forth nine inch woman named eva core, an identical twin who, together with her sister, survived auschwitz, and notorious experiments of doktor Joseph Mengele. Eba core spent her life,
After the war on terror, haute indiana? She died last summer at the age of eighty five. Hi iva: how are you today I'm fine! How are you I'm good? natural to answer her question before posing my own, so how old were you when you went to outwits. When I arrived in auschwitz, I was ten years old and I stayed in our region can be, which was about nine months. then we then liberated so we made a little announcement about the fight was starting this project. I get a call the next day from a lady called even call. I didn't know that point in time and she says I, to be one of those three d interviews. Nobody want. I wouldn't stephen Smith, executive director of the usa show a foundation and his wife. Colleague, heather mayo Psmith were running the
project as a well, I'm travel I'm very sorry! Where are you going Let's get a yoke I'm going to do so when you gotta go, did you see I'm going to do see turns out we're going to the same event in DC I rise at my hotel. She sitting in the lobby waiting for me. When ever on the right and heard twins. Mr Miriam arrived at auschwitz. They were pulled away their parents and older sisters and taken barbaric, full of twins? They never saw their family again. Fifty years ago, at a railroad. Sixty minutes reported on mangle is twin experiments in a story back and ninety. Ninety two indonesian might have my number not and we actually interviewed the living iva core at her home in terror hut, They told us then about becoming extremely sick after an injection manga came in,
Every morning and everything was for other doctors and he declared ready sarcastic been laughing to bed. She saw young only two weeks to live when I heard that I knew was right and I immediately made asylum pledge that I will prove. you doctor, mengele wrong. Imagine picking up conversation almost thirty years later and after even death eva tower. about doktor mengele. What was he like yet gorgeous face a movie star face in very pleasant journey, dark hair, dark eyes, When I looked into his eyes, I could see seen, but the evil people say that the eyes are the centre.
The soul and in manganese case, that was correct. Eve and Miriam are visible in footage taken by the soviet forces that liberated auschwitz seventy five years ago, they went back to the camp many times even continuing to go even after myriads death and ninety. Ninety three, in direction. It was on one of those visits that even a stunning announcement? I e that moses that she had decided to forgive her nazi captors hereby give amnesty to em all nazis who participated, she came under blistering attack from other survivors. How can you forgive? How is that possible
forgiveness does not mean that I forget what happened did impossible. My forgiveness is an egg cell feeling self liberation and self empowerment. Are you able to forgive, and I can forget, Aaron elster disagrees for them to get forgiveness after asked my little sister, Sarah, whom they brutally murdered. I have no right to forget. and I will not forget, wasn't for me in this project, is that we have holocaust survivors who have different points of view about god and religion and faith and forgiveness, and that's what this project allow us to do aaron elster, unlike many holocaust survivors, never spent time in a concentration camp as jew, we're being rounded up in his towns marketplace and sent to treblinka his father told him to run.
He was nine years old. and I managed to crawl into the store that ran along the marketplace, the straight and kept crawling? well, I felt I was out of sight, stood Those tat are running. He made it too Building of an older polish couple named the girl skis who'd been customer. is at his family's butcher shop. He shows up and she didn't wanna take him. He started crying and then she led him. Upstairs Erin, how long did you stay in the attic? than that attic for close to two years. Who years with just one visit a day to bring food and water? What what like in the attic, although so many Things that I remember the hunger, the fear. The absolute total loneliness
after all that you're sitting there I used to catch flies sad desperate, from their wings of so they would the fly away. On their, how did you survive? How did you survive in that area?. I have the ability to day dream. five novels in my head. I was the here all the time and we have the ability to either. Given to our misery and pain and die or absorbed the physical pain, but keep your mentality, keep your soul. Keep your mind so was I bore. Was I scared was I in need of some body to accept they ought to tell- is that I'm ok that I'm a nice kid sure.
But there was not part of my life. We got a phone call decided say that aaron had suddenly passed away. I was at a conference of that time, The next morning I went into the little room that we had and I turned on aaron asters testing and I realized I was gonna- be the first person ever to click that little button and ask a question of somebody who is no longer alive. When for the next six hours people came in and out of the room his funeral has not yet taken place and you The legacy was already continuing. It was a very powerful and touching moment, you're good, you're, doing great touching. I meant that may soon be available to others beyond the community of holocaust survivors, they're going to come in and they're going to have you look heather mayo smith, says in the process of developing and testing this technology. She barrage with inquiries? There wasn't one person,
really, not one that didn't ask me if they do a similar interview with either loved one for themselves. Unreal. To the hollow unrelated completely unrelated. Can I do this with someone that I know what's in answer? Yes,. he has started an independent company. That's trying to spanned the use of this technology. I was ashraf reactor. sporting interviews with other historical figures like astronauts eventually with anyone at all. Why Were you in doing so? Do you think that this it's just gonna be a tool that people use, everybody will be recording their histories and our other people can interview them. It'll just be life We're going to go ahead and get started for now, though, the race is on to capture interviews with as many holocaust survivors as possible, while there's time.
Conversations can continue always with people like An elster. Do you want revenge when I was a youngster. I wanted revenge very, very, very much and I hate it. I hate it most of the perpetrators. Most of the gallows. Then so who are going to hide? The grandchildren nothing to do with it's, not right. Revenge is not part of my life, not part of my thinking. you know. Here you have these people who were basically destined to be annihilated that they survived as the miracle, but they were supposed to be murdered, killed and now they have immortality. we're not supposed to have a name that was supposed to be straw for all time and now through. this programme? They will be able to continue to answer questions hunter.
Five years after the nazis gum. It's that never forget. We ve of cliches around the holocaust. Never again, never forget. We must remember all the something. What this does it make sure there is enclosure is not about a statement. It's not about a particular thing. This being instructed of you. The This is on you to ask the questions. The onus is on you to be curious and to want to know In a sense, it turns the learning on its head and says: I'm not gonna tell you what the lessons of the holocaust are not going to what the holocaust means, but if you will, find out, then you can ask so terribly important, so there. We were at a special moment in time when the living pink, a scooter could talk to the one who will live forever. Would you ask you Question for us I will ask the one, which is my favorite. Ok, can you sing me a song from you youth? You want me to see you for you. Yes, please. Yeah no judge,
Sure search guy blood. In our view, just your mogu yankee, p nk yeah. What does that mean? What is the sun is at a happy song with her parasol stuck brother and sister, which, of course, my twin sister of travel, In the woods order on the road- and they can't get Well, how beautiful the world is. georgie drug, show suits guy below. In our view about you, I keep hearing me
I'm a rock and I'm back with season three of my pot cast mopeds, wearies, I'm looking forward to introducing you to more of my favorite people and things all of them dead from a top dog and ninety nine, these television. What happened? What story wishbone to a former top banana in the world of tonight? You sixty when the girl Michel was the only banana that we got. They were clearly better, listen to mow bitch wearies, wherever you get. Your part casts this week. The number corona virus debts worldwide reached sixty thousand a wife became a widow a sun, never got to say goodbye to his father and serbia as we lost the light of our beloved colleague, maria mercator. This suffering is different. We are all a part of it, but we also must keep moving. We are scared, distracted, trying to make it through the today as we rush, though we risk trampling on the grieving, especially when the
ass. They more in our totalled up for political fights, for thousands everything will be defined. And as either before or after this hinge point in their life. So we should spare a moment for sorrow. This is what pledges to be in this together actually mean we tell those who have lost their world that the rest of the world is not indifferent to their suffering. We acknowledge that getting back Normal will be impossible for many. We should spare a moment to say we see you, we feel you're, sorry you are not alone, even in this moment of deep loneliness the humans indoors, as leslie stall, showed us tonight. This iris will either drive us closer together or farther apart. Let it be the former. I'm john dickerson, we'll be back next week with another addition of sixty minutes.
CBS fridays, we may have been criminals seeking redemption, that's the one. We are now takes courage, we're firefighters by our campus, as they can change from producer, jerry, bruckheimer or save as many lives as possible. Tv's top new series reinstating the poor stains from the moderate work. Don't worry, let's go. We can do this country fridays on CBS streaming on paramount
Transcript generated on 2023-01-05.