« 48 Hours

Who Killed Jane Neumann?


This classic episode of 48 Hours, which last aired on 7/6/1998, tells the story of Jane Neumann, who had a beautiful daughter, a loving husband and a nice house in the town of Hudson, Wisconsin. But on Nov. 22, 1993, she was found dead of a gunshot wound in the basement of her own home. The investigation of her bizarre death includes an interview with Jane's husband, Jim, who changed his story about Jane's murder. Watch all-new episodes of 48 Hours on Saturdays, and stream on demand on Paramount+.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime members. You can listen to the forty eight hours podcast ad free on amazon music down, the arab today. If you love listening to true crime, you'll love, audible. audible lets you enjoy all your audio entertainment in one app audible offers and credible selection of audio books across every genre, from best seller, as a new releases too true crime, mystery and thrillers and as an audible member, you can choose. Why title a month to keep from the entire catalogue right now, I'm staying hooked on true crime by Listening to the stranger beside me by an rule new members can, try audible free for thirty days, is an audible dot com, slash forty eight hours or text forty hours to five hundred five hundred, that's audible, dot, com, slash for
eight hours or text forty eight hours to five zero, zero, five, zero, zero to try, audible, free for thirty days, audible, dot, com, slash forty eight hours the The year was nineteen. Ninety three jane newman lived in this house with her husband, Jim and their two year old son Jonathan. We thought he and Jane were just about the perfect couple really inseparable
for while we were at work, but on a cold november day, Jane and Jim Newman's, perfect life came to an end, see with the usual get ready to address, because we could buy it and take off about six thirty, which is what you did that morning also and then I would get up, get Jonathan ready, bring him the day care and go to work. That afternoon, when Jane got home from work, she called Jim at the office and mentioned a problem with the garage door. I asked her to go back out test the garage doors so that she can try to explain to me what I was doing, but she never combat Jim tried calling her repeatedly. I had a heart palpitation or something, and I just felt uncomfortable at she, hadn't called back, and I didn't think things were perfectly right. Things were not right when Jim got home that evening, he found his wife's body in the basement dead of a shot gun blast today.
Yeah nine one, one, nine one, one. The first thing I spent three and a half years trying to forget when I saw that night. Do you want an ambulance sent out there? Okay, what do you think away from when wait female one back, even earl clark
three three years in the sheriff's department. Tremendous trauma to the head was shaken by what he'd found body fluids on the carpeting, also on the wall, where her feet were pointed towards body matter, including her her teeth in various locations in the room. Clark interviewed newman that night and newman told him that he came home, went and hollered her name. She didn't answer, went to the lower part of the house fonder and then went and called on what a family friend notified the Johnston's he said chains and I said the horse shit and he said she's dead later that evening, after turning his son was safer. The babysitters newman join destroyed family. He put his head in my lab, namely was sobbing. You know you keep thinking
this really happening, or is this really? My reaction was to find out This thirty year old, Jane newman, was found shot in the head, a close eye news of a killer on the loose already say the front door was forced, open, verified the quiet town of hudson whiskers authorities are not releasing any information. In fact, police were beginning to think there was no killer on the loose, because no evidence at the scene pointed to an intruder. There was nothing drastically disturb or look like sign of a struggle. It was obvious that june movement was standing close to that wall. Why was a hole in the wall that what had something to do with it? The autopsy report stirred up even more suspicion. It showed that the gun had been inside Jane newman's mouth when it
fire. We call them and said your story doesn't match two days after janes death, clark, eater view Jim Newman a second time it doesn't match the scene, it doesn't match up, see, there's more here, this time, Jim Newman, told police, he knew who killed Jane. He broke down and actually cried actually said lemme tell you the truth. The truth, Jim said was said, Jane newman, killed herself and at what He came home too was not, after all the scene of a murder, but enables are suicide the outside? I could small gunpowder then what happened. I could see the light was on underneath the laundry room door and I went to the bathroom room door and opened it. There was a shotgun on the floor fishing. Why are attached to it a piece of fishing? Why he said, was tied to the trigger. I could see a hole in the wall.
They went round to the other side of the whole found Jane. It was obvious that she was dead. Based on what germany woman says, he saw a theory has evolved as to what it all mean said is how J newman might have killed herself the gun the theory goes, was propped up poked through a hole in the laundry room wall. A piece of fishing line was wrapped around the trigger and then threaded through a second hole in the wall on the other side of the wall, the gun stuck through a few inches. It was later discover to have been wrapped in some sort of plastic wrapping material fastened with black electrical tape. In any case, the theory is that jane newman put the end of the gun in her mouth grabbed. It her right hand reached across whether left and pulled on the fishing line. That's the theory, no
one disputes. How bizarre it all sounds. I agree with it. It's strange. It's still the the weirdest thing I've ever seen in thirty three years, but investigators say it was the only conclusion. The evidence supported a medical examiner. That said, it was a suicide. We had a sheriff's department investigation. That said no evidence of a homicide, but why would Jane newman. kill herself. Especially this way. I didn't know why the christmas sayings, but I could see that that was and why would her husband want the police to think it was murder? I know that what I did is wrong: But I had no choice. I had to protector seeking the truth: never gets introducing dunes journey, the free to play mobile game that will immersed in a thrilling murder, mystery join june. Parker s young covers hidden objects and clues to solve her sisters. Death in a beautifully ills
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The as if this really happened two days after Jane newman's death, we thought it was a random act of violence is what we thought Johnston's were told that in fact, jane had not been murdered? He sent the police, have the evidence it killed herself. She did commences the family, the idea of jane committing suicide was beyond shocking. My sister would never blower face off. Never. It was Unbelievable deliver so close to where there was no reason for her to kill herself, none at all. In fact, the jane they knew had every right,
and to live. He was very happy. She was excited about having another child. There was two year old, johnny light of her life. She lived for that child me time and there was Jim her husband of six years, whom she a door jamb just thought he was mister. Wonderful, may seem to be very happy together and those who spoke to Jane in our final hours in called me the morning that she dies say that she was cheerfully making plans and for the weak ahead, and we talked about thanksgiving was just three days away and I said Jane I'll bring the turkey than she wanted to know if she had enough kansas sweet potatoes. What was she like that day? There? It's the same as every day we went on our walk, we talked we giggled. We went back to where Anne king was Jane's closest friend at work and one of the last people to see Jane alive. I can't imagine her leaving Jonathan here without her. That was her devotion. Her husband and her child drew absolutely cannot accept the possibility that she killed herself.
but Jim newman claims, he knew another jane. I knew the positive side of jane. Let everybody else knows and I knew the negative side that very few people know I Jane who lived in a secret world of depression, bolivia and insecurity, a world she hid from everyone. Nobody understands the full reason my somebody commit suicide, but if you're looking for reasons she had there's another jimmy parents georgian every numa. He was afraid of the world. She was afraid of everything, after that I totally and sick, and have since learned about James problems from their side. Is that every night he would come home from work and she would cry there's a lot of things that concerned are enough. She would cry herself to sleep and tell him how she felt on love touching
held in our family did knowing you know it was a gmo, wouldn't tell her about. No, I had spent a whole marriage protecting her reputation from people protecting the fact that she spent evenings crying at night and the fact that she was, but we may so that Jane, could god and the public in hand the appearance that everybody knows her, as so when he found his wife's lifeless body, Jim newman says he reacted instinctively to spare her image. What I did that night when I came in phone jane dead, was just my final act of protection, and I didn't want everybody to know that she had killed herself so began. He says an elaborate deception. The first thing occurred with such here's, my wife dead that involved getting rid of the avenue, of suicide. Was an automatic reaction, shot, gun and fishing
in in the laundry room figured that if there was no gun there would be no suicide, that it would then be a murder and a suicide note. Jimmy says he found next to his wife's body would tell me exactly what the note said is best. You can remember. She was concerned about the ever been able to meet the expectations of our family. She felt they wouldn't respect her, something the effect of this way. You can get this life insurance money in path. The debts, find a better wife and a mother for jonathan something about this way. People will really remember me as young thin and beautiful and she closed it with. I love you, Jim told police, that less than a minute after finding his wife and reading her suicide note, he began to act. I said
I can die this way Jane and I took care of it. I ran back to the laundry room. I picked up the gun and put it into garbage bag. He put his own shoulder to the door. I broken the front door to make it look like an intruder got in the car began my drive. It was rush hour. Windsor newman says he got to this bread. He says he park down there at the base of the bridge, ran across the inference ram jump over what was about a foot high france and spain all the way up that long walk away. He then dropped the gone into the same roy river, and then I went back to the house. I went back into the room the arctic jane was in and ass. I sat down next time
we're on the couch there and read the note again and I dunno. I even went back in that room. My wife and I think it was at about that time- that the furnace kicked in I realized. I can bring this not up and began to than he the picture on the wall to cover up the hole, and he says that he did all of this dealt with the note the gun, the wall, the door. He did it all in twenty five minutes. He then called nine one one and reported a homicide. What does this look like a self inflicted gregory? I think the first thing was well. Where would you get a gun? I mean Jane. Had
never in her life handled a gun so awkward. She shoot herself with a gun. Despite the family's doubt and more facts that we got, it has never made any kind of sense. Jim Newman's story of that night held a polygraph or says I'm telling the truth. The medical examiner says that it was a self inflicted gunshot wounds. The theory that that is supported by evidence actually is a suicide, so authorities eventually dropped the case, but the Johnston, when we were told the suicide story and didn't believe, are only becoming more suspicious. I started keeping notes of everything that happened. Then Pat Johnston ran across an article about a husband who murdered his wife years earlier after he gave away the family door. As it turned out. It was obviously part of the plan to get the dog out of the house, or somebody else could come in just weeks before Jane died, Jim newman, broad
They are dog molly to the animal shelter where it reason for disposing of dog or bringing the dog, and he says owner, passed away. This week's before and died. It was a small detail, but the more they investigated more details came to light, as did more questions and the answers kept, leading them back to their beloved son in law. Jim newman, I mean he was like our son and we certainly didn't want to believe he was involved in her death, but we came to the realization that yes, he definitely was, even though the Johnston's finally convinced authorities to look into the case. A second time. Five volumes of interviews, paperwork prosecutor said they're still wasn't enough hard evidence to show
large doom newman with murder. Nobody's wanted to listen so today, for years after jaynes. Dad, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, merits are found another way, civil, so to take Jim Numa, two core evidence was overwhelm the juvenile them involved in this death. I think they need somebody abraham stuff most happiest target. When we come back, today in hudson county court, almost four years after James dad local attorney mark charity will attempt what prosecutors here have refused to do. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury We were now about to begin the trial of the keys fried Jim newman by the death of his wife Jane. This is a wrong for death action.
We have failed to determine whether or not J newman was murdered. The next question for the jury will be whether I killed her or not or was involved in any way you are now we cause. This is only a civil, suitably, not a criminal. Trials. The jury has to decide his involvement. Only to a reasonable certainty, you are to decide the case solely on the evidence. Then Jim newman may have to pay damages. I'm convinced that Jim Newman was fined chain stuff. I think that it's going to be impossible for people to say yeah. I guess he did this. I didn't that's going to be shown. supporting the plaintiffs claim against a family, Jim nomads first heard of a lawsuit. Do you know he was well on his weight and putting his past life behind dad I'm remarried, I haven't family, I very happy in that new family Jim met his new wife heather three months after Jane died, some people work, suggested that I hire a nanny and they recommended heather. We became like best friend.
Married the following year to engine took a job at microsoft, german the live outside seattle with Jonathan and their new, maybe girl. Anyway. To live a normal life in our own data? They conversations we have put aside the past, but today, Ladies and gentlemen of the jury that new life goes on whole life,
It goes to jane Ellen newman. She was the daughter of charlie and pat Johnston. She has an older sister, patty, older brother, charlie, and a younger sister Mary sue, Jane newman, was murdered in the evidence, will show that James dean newman was involved in the death of jean charity begins. Let's understand the basic scene with a series of sarcastic questions about the suicide story, she's in the room and for whatever reason she decides it's time to die. Okay. So how am I going to kill myself? I think she thought about this for a long time am I going to you.
It's pills. How do you get enough sleeping pills to kill yourself? Am I going to use carbon monoxide she'd been poisoned by carbon dioxide before and find found it very nauseating, and she got a headache. Should I slit my wrists, I cannot imagine jane slitting her wrists. No, I want to do something that will be so successful, so perfect, I think I'll blow my head on and my mind if she was going to kill herself. This was the simplest and most efficient way to do it. I think I'll put the gun in the other room on the other side of the wall. I will use a hammer and smash a hole in that wall. there we go we're going through the hole. Now I gotta get my gun and now I'm going to take some bubble wrapped in this. What was found in sight of her head and inside of her mouth and laying about the scene and I'm gonna put it over the and of the goths. Now she's got a gun ready. Can you in your minds? I see her planning this
doing this propping up gone, pulling a string all of this stuff to killer. So why would it anybody choose that way to kill himself. How would you do if one has to assume that everything went as plant on the first time? And one has to assume one other thing, but this is what she had planned to do. Gary argues that janes actions showed no such plan, hours before she died. She fell on her shoulder. The strap had broken issue wanted to stop and get in who purse on our way home, Jane, exchanged up her and when she discovered later her purse, she had just stop at T. J max and exchanged is in the room with her. Her purse is here she is here and she Has her leather quota and now and I went to the other side and I saw jane gurdy- turns to.
Jim newman, says he did that day. Right after you, discovered, his wife's body or I can't let Jane die this way, What the world to know that Jane had killed herself charity goes and to argue that newman's version of the next twenty five minutes on ice on your roof, I'm going to go pack. That is not only bizarre. It is also physically impossible. The harvest was what we call a jury. He takes. The jurors for awry will be no test on a jager retracing the route. Jim newman says he took to get rid of the gun This is a former normal residence, eight nine five. Book is car all the way out. The interstate bring clear, very ready. You observe the fence. The june movement allegedly John, observe the heights and the nature of this protective fat wearing a trench, coat carrying a gun, doing it with one hand and proceeding out onto the bridge, and then he threw the gun ran back to the car
hopped over the fence. Read the note burn the note put the picture deal with the door. I mean it sounds almost implausible that you could do all that in that amount of time. I think that if you were to write down how long everything takes you'd find out that I had more than enough time asked with a gun, investigators did search for it. They dove for approximately three to three and a half hours. They did not locate what logic tells us, then, if they've done a diligent search, your position that you can't find the gun is that right and they don't find a gun. That's correct or there's no gun there, and thus Jim Newman didn't put the gun, and although Margaret implies repeatedly that Jim Newman was somehow involved, he offers hard evidence, nor does it even presented specific theory as to how newman might have killed his wife, but as the trial, whereas on he makes very sure that the jury finds out a lot more about Jim Newman. My opinion is that without a doubt, the best lawyer
one lie after another? You don't know that he's lying to you until a long time. Afterwards, for example, Jim Newman, actually convinced, is coworkers, and he let us we're life as Spock. You told me that the us government wanted him to perform some service that he didn't want to do and that they were trying to pressure him to do so, but that's all newman told his boss, Jim zeller, the strangest version yet of what he found on the night Jane die. You said when you got there, they laundry room door was closed and he believed that there was a bomb connected to the door. and that he disarm the bomb and
found jane, and there was no gun. I asked him: how would she walk over there and put her how she died? Did he tell you, he said that she was it again. It was speculation, he said well, somebody could have put a knife to her neck and walked her over there. This scenario is chillingly clothes and no further questions. Thank you to what the Johnston's believe really happened to their daughter, someone was waiting and James house when she got. I they as possible, there were two people there and she's marched up to the wall where the gunners coming through shunned but you believe Jim Newman was one of those people wait on all that we are able to definitely island and the johnson.
Think they know why he did it. I really think for the money, Jim norman, receive one hundred and sixteen thousand dollars from metropolitan life insurance company. No questions asked by some honey. Yet for some reason I thought he'd be better off without change and we approve the gym. No one was there to pull the trigger no, but the circumstantial evidence is over welcoming the gentleman was involved in this death. After five days of testimony, clarity in the Johnston's rest, their case at this point halfway through whose trial you are confident that you're going to win I would say so. I would like to use my user common sense. What did she tell you when we come back? Is very voices were taught her to do things. Disgusting sums darling, amateur susan, poor suicide earth was assumed I
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I have a cold night, stranger game, to do the ladies and gentlemen of the jury. This is a case about a mother who won't accept the fact that her daughter committed suicide. The defense strategy is simple, is no evidence presented that he murdered his wife, Jim Newman's attorney, Joel porter, hasta convinced the jury that, while his client may be added, it is a liar. I can deny that I had deadlye a dozen making a murderer. The only evidence in this case A jane gnomon voluntarily put this gun in her mouth and killed herself and for the first time I don't like having to save sworder offers shocking evidence that Jane may in fact, have had reasons to kill. Herself jane did have some problems. Syria cycle
logical problems, he says started, before the new means even married, Jane heard voices. What did she tell you about these voices, I just do not get into the details anyway, but she basically indicated that these were scary voices that were telling her to do things disgusting distraught, jane and went to her pastor, Steve Cornelia said she was prompted to think in to say things that she knew were wrong. She was very scared of them. She thought they were gonna make or go to hell. matter of what her family, thousands, Jane, gnomon speaking door, psychotherapy ordering since this was a seriously troubled young woman at times when she does feel insecure, she feels inconsolable. We were aware that Jane had gone through the oppression while she was in high school now it was not what I would call clinical depression. You are aware that your daughter had believe me in the past. There were occasions when I that she had vomited after eating. Wasn't gene rather insecure,
She didn't tell lies to pop up her image, but because he did now I've jaynes problems. Jim says he stood her suicide note. This is my recreation of my memory of suicide. Nor a note, of course Only he has ever read. I thought I could be a good mother, but I can't even do that. Do you think Jane was a good mother. Yes, she was. Why do you think jane write something like that. Nobody knows where sure why Jane would kill herself in you're asking why, when something, I can't attach a reasonable reason too, but the investigator We all agree that she did any drug in her system, which would have allowed some. to involuntarily ever put her mouth on a gun, Your analysis, no doctor, Michael Magee, perform The autopsy exhibit one. Twenty one shows subjects right here. Newman have long lead which would be easily broke.
was the females are attacked. No evidence of shipping was no here skin tissue. Nothing else under those fingernails, absolutely no sign of a physical scrub and ass for the fishing line Jim Newman describes supposedly pulling on this fishing line? That leaves no marks or abrasions on her hand with the court, didn't actually cut the tissue, expect the marks could go away, so it may be possible. I would not able to see them porter. So offers an explanation, your dog or the event the Johnston's found so suspicious. Why was molly brought to the animal shelter? We had quite a bit of large area of new carpeting and molly decided. She would go to the bathroom and basically
whenever we left and Jim newman has an alibi of sorts. Not only did people report seeing him off and on at work that day, but phone records support his case. They show that, after three forty five when he says he talked to jane for the very last time she indicated she would call me back, and I never heard he made a total of ten more calls here to his house. What took place during those calls the answering machine. I had one of the features which you could also monitor the room and you could hear whatever is taking place in the room itself. I would call and see if I could hear anything going on and then I also left a couple of messages. What was he listening to guarantee presents his own theory? Our contention is, he was listening to the man who grabbed Jane when she walked in that house and walked her.
up to that wall and in his cross examination. In the note you constructed correct. Yes, we ridicules the alleged suicide note. This woman leaves a no according to James norman, that I wanna be remembered as thin and pretty and happy and that's the way she remembered serve. Is that right, sir. Though she locked thin, pretty and happy skirting around this, I'm sorry, Sir India's club The argument had base their decisions on guesses Porter reminds the jury of what every investigator on the case concluded suicide was a suicide. Death was a suicide. Clarity ends by replaying, Jim newman's call to nine one. Why? Which
playing you just get home is the first lie in an endless chain of law This is not right. This is not real. This is not right, but this is extremely real and ask you to answer yes, and all questions coming up next, the verdict I wondered lindsey graham host of wonders, podcast american history tellers. We take you to the events times and people that shaped america and americans. Our values are struggles and our dreams in our the series union victory in the civil war and centuries of slavery and begin the era known as reconstruction. The federal government begins the difficult task of restoring a shattered union,
political leaders, struggle to integrate millions of newly emancipated african americans into a racially divided society, black americans, fight for social and economic equality, but they soon and counter violence and political push follow american history tellers wherever you get your pont, you can listen ad free, amazon, music or wondering app. three. The members of the jury. Today, after seven days of intense testimony, This case will now be submitted to you and the hot in question actual. How did jane new motorway really die is in the hands of twelve jurors. Give each question in the verdict, your careful and conscientious consideration under their been asked. Basically, two questions. One was this aside. I yes or no question. If they answer yes to that and they have to decide which Jim newman involved and james death, but even
That answer is yes. Jim newman is likely to face only a fine pocket, because this is just a civil case. My primary concern is to protect my son. He could, however, lose custody of five year old jonathan. You are to be guided by your own sown judge and he might well face murder charges down the road. The jury out. Please raise the. I had to run it through my mind. What happened and look at the evidence again, she wanted it to be the right decision that going back and forth it took while at about six thirty, the jurors decide to continue to
rating into the night? Finally, after six hours of deliberation, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict? Your honor, the jury returns with it's decision, okay, which added to the bill, or so the estate of jane, newman and Jonathan newman, a minor through JL, Keith, riley, plano source, James newman, defendant question one. Was the death of gene newman, a homicide answer yes to. If you answered yes to question one answer the following questions: a the james newman, murder jane moment answer yes, be the doomsday solicit, someone to murder Jane. No one answer. No. I, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, possess your verdict. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I wish to thank you very much. Mrs ries.
one thing you never gave up in three and a half years. You never I would never give up my whole life. What would you like to say to those twelve of a certain the charities like to say? Thank you. I feel we gave to chance since, their otters dignity back the jurors took on behind the scenes We turned it at all out on the board and inside their deliberations. How did you proceed once you got in that jury room? We first great big breath was the scene itself hard for you to imagine Unbelievably higher how it's a person ever think of doing it that way, a measure of how far should they do to have it at the right angle. To get in there jurors did believe testimony. That newman was trouble. I kind of that. She had been depressed ventures round him, but not enough
to kill ourselves. We kind of decided that it was normal depression that everybody kind of goes through the evidence to believe that was a suicide and they completely dismissed the findings. Both the investigators and the experts witness a they said that a gunshot in the mouth is usually a suicides. I think that they immediately tim to that conclusion. Jurors, never bought the story of gems ill. accurate cover. I couldn't accept that at all leave your wife lay there make the trip through the traffic didn't leave enough time for him to do all that there is no way, but in the and more efficiently and official do. It was something I juror came up with, based on his own experience for official is very slippery to pull that had the most impact. Without wrapping around your fingers. You really can't get a good grip on it and if it knocked her out of her shoes like they said in order to cut her finger off the impact drawn her back
severely cut in europe for many on the jury. Back forty little detail was a turning. point. I knew she didn't do it and after we discussed that an outsider printed on it, the only person would have been jim despite the jury critic. I really am no coward newman walks out of civil court. A free man guilty beyond Jane newman's face was shocked by this man and now he's going to be walking out of the store. Apparently you can murder somebody murdered and you go wherever you want. Where is justice coming out, but you're advocating of this privilege you done right, we'll Jim Newman be charged with murder. You gotta unanimous verdict saying that you ve got twelve. This man has murdered his. What I didn't kill jane, that's all I can say
at this time I alright. I think we're ready we're going to get a number one meal with dr pepper. Thank you for this food we just created chill The sardine shall take care of us. Keep us from her remarried. I have a new family. Very happy and that new family love my new wife and I love my life with her its ban three months since his trial. Anything good bees and Jim newman has quietly slipped back into life in suburb. seattle. I guess you're buying them, but he worries that on it
any given day. I have to go on, he could be charged with murder after Jane first died. I went through a period of wondering you know: are they going to come and get me and and now again I'm going through that same thing? Meanwhile, halfway across the country, I hope we will have a fairly thorough, investing We shouldn't gene stuff that will result in criminal charges. That decision now rests with the wisconsin attorney general, who still is reviewing the case or a jury says that our daughter was murdered and that he had something to do with it. What do we need still, the Johnston's and about the song in her memory, life goes on I didn't have life issues They try to stay busy mean nothing. I can do can bring him back.
And are still determined to see Jim Newman formally charged with murder. I simply want to seek new but amazingly, all be one big extended family, Jim? No one. Speaks today of reconciliation. To me, it's not over until the relationship between the johnstone's, the is patched up. They still adamantly believe you murdered their daughter. You think you're going to be one big extended family. I know that that's their public position, but somewhere inside they've, just gotta, know that I couldn't What could the twelve jurors have been flat out wrong? John hands down engaging happily married father of two be telling the truth, because there's so much doubt and because there is no proof that he didn't do it. You say there was no evidence of. This is no evidence that there's no she's, though,
who says, Annie didn't do it me saying I didn't do it is not worth a lot. I'm a liar. Remember the world's best liar funny. as a lot of times like even when I was talking to a church group bought it they're like I didn't. Do it right. You know I mean they were like say that you know, and- and so it's I do often leave that out Jim newman seems likely to stay a free man led alleged murderer. The question of his guilt or innocence is marrying, may never be answered. Mom and dad, because the only Other person who knows the ring. The truth is forever silent. We will eventually get The bottom of jamestown that may take us our lifetimes, but we will get to the bottom
Some, instead of kidnapping to my sister g, the no criminal charges have been filed against Jim new in connection with jades death. After this, we'll trial genes death certificate was changed from suicide to homicide. Newman was ordered to pay Jeanne's estate. Five point: eight million dollars in damages after appeals, the amount was reduced to about one hundred thousand dollars. Heh prime members you can listen to the forty eight hours podcast ad free on amazon music download the amazon music ab today or you can listen ad.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-07.