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O.J. Simpson: Endgame

CBS News correspondent James Brown reports on the trial that changed America Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I think oj got away with so much that he really actually thought he was a god that he couldn't be touched like Nicole. Always told everybody, including myself. Whenever something happened he will. his way out of it This is the greatest one in back to ever play professional football. Incredibly, incredibly, cares. attic handsome million dollar smile is asking to be released. parole after serving near nine years. Were an armed robbery in las vegas I have always been pretty good with people and
ethically spend com free life, burning, going back, maybe I don't want anything they have been allocated. It's important to represent my sister need to look at these relationships, not as abusive relationships but as potential murder cases if she fell when she was outside? Could you made her fall right now because you were getting her right, not pounding. He got away with murder savagely, murdering two p, o j could not have committed these murders. Mr simpson A fugitive of justice right now even told you. How often do get to see in our american icon. Is on trial for murder, job anthology sense,
guilty of a crime of murder. people work, sharing, o J simpson per se, cheering them once. One time it seemed that the criminal justice system balanced in favour of a black person. When rodney king happened in away captured on video, see this way than talking about all of this time. Finally, this is a turning point and then wasn't everybody was acquitted, had more and more of those types of incidents. Where cops have been called on camera killing.
Black men, women and children, and have won't kill that rose police officers will not face charges in the death of out and sterling last July. The blood said now you stan how we feel we, have not made that much progress still wrestling with the same issues: collins compromise. The ex forty nine quarterback began the protests last year to draw attention. To racism and police brutality. Oh geez case, was about this racial narrative. o J simpson, it's gonna be walking out of prison. To ban think it's only a matter of time before it gets himself back in trouble So this is the oj dot case. Simpson case open murder case. Do you think the murder from the coal ron golden ever
when oj amidst steady, killed, nikkolon rank open, we saw them
His moves captivated us from the football field to the court room good evening. I'm james brown in nineteen sixty eight. He won the heisman by nineteen. Seventy three he was the envy of the nfl telegenic superstar. Sadly, none of that is what he will be remembered for. Ornithology simpson became a lightning rod not for rushing but for race simpsons trial for the murder of his ex wife, nicole brown simpson and her friend ron Goldman was a grim unexpected marker, it occupied its own peculiar, yet powerful place in his country's ongoing racial journey. He is not guilty. Verdict, in LOS angeles, sparked a simmering loaded conversation about the the the justice system and the minority community,
tonight? Is o dot j ready to walk out of prison for the botched las vegas robbery he was convicted of the raging dialog? He ignited resonates louder than ever. For ninety minutes, nearly one hundred million people were transfixed by a white ford. Bronco cruising down a los angeles, freeway one or two reporting. I watched the whole thing. Helicopters, camera john bridge, right? Now we re all, but you gotta go alive. Oh Gee simpson: the football hero suspected of killing his ex wife, Nicole and her friend, wrong goldwyn was a fugitive with a death which I come. And he picks up in algiers lay everybody Don't do this and so my It concerns you get him to put the gun down.
No, you don't hurt. You do not deserve to get hurt. And would Luke police back to his rockingham estate and give himself up and finance and I think america was absolutely transfixed with this story. Prosecutes content simpson, butchered both his ex wife and her friend ronald omen It was a savage attack, nicole grounds and was nearly decapitated. Laying a few feet away was Five year old ron, goldman a waiter who was returning sunglasses to Nicole How do you find out about the murders. My wife called out fred bread, the corners. as calling- and she said yours was murdered. What do you think happened? I think that run walked
and on a martyr and progress and paid the price for trying to help. There was a view of him handcuffed. That was a few that shocked. All of my people define the comment, my people, my. people are people of africa met and community, in los angeles and o J simpson, was about karnak figure. He was Michael Jordan before mac Jordan, quickness jealousy he wiggle about it. You know what he carried the ball Joe bill grew up with them and jack's in one of the roughest neighborhoods in san francisco and is writing a book about their friendship is, and I see a cat in egypt. He jumps to decide what we eat jumps billy here, that's the kind of quickness
Ball was oh geez ticket out of the wood and into the limelight during a decade of tumultuous change. There was a meeting sixties, like activism, was at a fever pitch, some star trek athletes were threatening to boycott the sixty eight olympics. What they think is right, I guess they must follow they. Well, a right not to want to be involved in it because I'm not in track. I have no time at all. We knew tat says As a whole would not accept you. If you were a member of the black panthers everywhere This social conscience. and always spewing out black issues and then bad, he was not socially conscious. He wanted to stay a man, being embraced by lights. Oj was straightforward.
I'm not black, I'm o dot j. I want to be judged by the content of my character, not by the color of my skin. I just want to be o dot j He distance themselves from anything that would put him into a racial bar. Which made a lot of white people feel comfortable, o j would run from racial issues faster than white folks were If you go back and look at the hurts commercials, that idea oj was a safe, hurts endorsement personality. You saw. elderly white women, but ever so much as a black shoeshine boys eyeing run Aj Rahn, never self made white guys around his age, absolutely pinched themselves that OJ simpson one should be francis with them.
He was their hero. Sheila weller wrote the book raging heart about Nicole and oh geez relationship based already dating when she was just eighteen. He was. twenty nine years old and a married father of two. He put her apartment and then I saw area beverly hills eventually oj divorced. His first wife marguerite, married Nicole. One too. friend and then lapd officer wrong. Ship was at their wedding at that time that they had an ideal marriage, loving couple loving couple. She was a lot of fun. My sister was a hands on mom tom, brown was Nicole's little sister, Nicole o J would have to children together, a daughter sidney and a son, just she would go the kids ready for school she'd packs their land, and we like, on my sister, had everything she has a great husband book, I closed doors.
worst secrets. There was violence through thread of their marriage, but it was hidden. She hid it. He hid it, but all come to light new year's day. One thousand five hundred and eighty nine that night hit. You know slapped around ship. written a book about his conversations with oj and Nicole knew about domestic violence. He taught other officers to recognise the signs of abuse, I'm not believing, but I'm here, I mean I believed scatters rosemont like this can be oj swan ship Are you going through internally brain on light he's about her I'm. Some pleaded no contest a misdemeanor battery, but he served no Jail time his punishment two years: probation, a fine and community service. When I look at it really would not being of a fight, which is three years
later he sat for an interview with espn host Roy firestone to talk about the incident with his wife You know the day after this we looked at each day. We have a way to fight with bunk guilty. No one was hurt, was no big deal and we got all what I like several years after the incident, Nicole divorced simpson, but the abuse didn't stop. Only marginally won over here now three to five gretna green back k. What have they look like them? I think you know his record over here. Take it down a minor one of the underlying gonna beat and she felt he was going to kill her and she told people. Then she won't diaries. And she said more than once: ships, after run in a coal, were murdered. Detectives asked ozma to take a lighted techno test. He refuse, so you tell knowledge angels to be truthful ship and each up all these as a dream.
were you convinced in your mind, ended he did. It was totally convinced. Oh james dream would become ron, ships, nightmare and soon stage was set for the trial. Everyone would be watching. What they ve done guideline is wrong. You cannot believe these people, you can't trust the message There has never been a defendant history of this state that has had every body bend over back. it's for him! The way this one has its call the twilight of the century. The jury judge O J would be sequestered for almost nine months television cameras rolling on every moment of illegal drugs, and can you tell history where the defendant was was between nine thirty five and eleven p m sir. Nor cannot
storing roles played by two prosecutors and a team of defence attorneys some of the brightest and most expensive legal minds in the country known the dream t there was no dream at all. There was turmoil within the defence camp and, thank god, Johnny cochrane was very capable of keeping a lid on. He was born to represent an o J. simpson, because it brought in issues of police actions it brought in issues of race, johnny cock. New, that most of alleys, black community was still reeling from the horrific images of rightly king, a black man beaten by white police officers. We had had the king, be we had a riot the acquittal of the officers after me?
This notion of black person in conflict with the police department was so frightened centre that this clearly fit into that slots that this was another black man being pursued by the ip and pursued with vigour, because the. dems were white. I dont believe that if this case had been the murder of OJ simpsons, first wife, who was an african american woman that it would have been covered on television. I think o J would have been out on bail. I think this would be long ago forgotten. He was accused of killing in addition to his celebrity that dynamic, also elevated this trial, because here you have what was once the ultimate taboo in this country, a black man with a white one at that I was a correspondent for time magazine, in LOS angeles, we put oj simpson on the cover and the picture that they chose to put was his mouth shut and for artistic
quote end quote reasons somebody decided to darkened oj. What does that say about the mine said the sub, conscious thinking on the part of those who opted to go with a darker image, then his natural color You know it's a pink elephant, there's an eight hundred pound guerrilla. If you will in the world. always races, always there and it was in the court room where Fred Goldman had hoped to get justice for his son? Do you think that there was any chance that what got lost in that setting was a fact that there were two murders victims were lost, it was more about race goldman. Wasn't the only one worried, prosecutors noticed it too, I can play to say game there. Playing martian cloth was a fighter certainly admired her tenacity, but notably, she was in prosecuting o J alone Chris darted
Chris was a fine lawyer, no doubt, but his first day in the court room was once we had a product we african american, drew that was seated they're. Both sides keenly aware of how the jury would view the defendant, o J simpson. At a certain point, the defence team asked at the jury c, o jays rockingham home. This has you all over it, and the defence team did some will say ray decorating before the jury got their o J simpson, you see had a grand staircase going, from the four year up into the second floor there was a wall of pictures that previously were that previously were there of his caucasian friends and colleagues. If anyone was coming to your house and you are on trial. You want to make sure that there's nothing there that might offend.
Anyone in your case debit card it would involve changing pictures of my white friends to put up black friends if that's contrary to who he was out a b if year on trial for murder and your lawyers want to do everything that they can to help you be found not guilty. I dare say you're perfect, it would change. Man marcia clark looked at me said, You know damn well, he didn't have all those black people on his wall and, I said How accuse us of this, and I dare say it is something easy for people to look at in high similar to playing the race card. We play the evidence card. not the race card. You didn't feel that way.
The one time o J friend ron ship, who agreed to testify about their violent marriage after prosecutor, showed him gruesome crime scene photos. I will not have the blood of the curve around ship ship was surprised when he looked at the jury like they hated me. Many and the black community, concerted you to be a trader. How did that hit? You hit me really bad. I did hear a lot of different things as to why she done in such areas One of the things I heard is goin back slavery days in all the things we ve gone through this country, that they felt that this o something should be a gift. To us. It was very remaining gave him a pass because of all the things we ve gone through. No jays blood is oliver Bundy, no rockingham, listen, bronco
the only other type of blood. We discover that the two victims former lapd detective Tom Lange has written a book about all the evidence he says points to o jays guilt. My belief at the time was this is gonna, be asleep, down, there would be more than one hundred witnesses, but one which sent shock waves across the nation mark firm of detective firm and Mr Ferber, the l a lady detective, who went to o jays house after the murders and claimed to have found a bloody glove matching one found at the crimes fired one objective. When I set out with Bart firm, I had to get him to lie. I knew
If I could get him to lie, he were dead in the jury box and you say on your out that you have not addressed any black person as or spoken about black people as in the past ten years. Detective her! That's what I'm saying the defence called witnesses who said just the opposite: he sat the only chance of survival. Look at me and told me, I told you we getting detective from when you recently witnessed the employees and with the lapd he's unsavory history with the black immunity. It wasn't too far of a leap for the defence to say that firm in the racist detective had planted the bloody glove. When asked, I assert my fifth amendment privilege. That bloody glove and o j trying at all one was the defining moment of the trial. He was not trying to pushes hand into it here.
Doing this he never really made an effort to get the glove on. So it was. The whole thing was a fiasco show that in rooms the botched demonstration would become the trials made for tv moment and Johnny cochrane's. Closing argument would leave the jurors with seven memorable words. If it doesn't fit, you must equip dearer simpson. Would you please stand faces. it took the jury less than four hours to reach a verdict. We the jury and involved in title action, find it opinion or a java or without jane, since in nam, kill tee of the prime of murder. What I saw was white people No. people in the other side, elation on one side, anger and frustration and disappointment on the other side,
ray television station tuned in and the world washed it all happened, live Oprah and her audience why, to the reaction reflected. The nation happened to be seated next friday, and just the sound of crime still really rings. In my ears. I looked at the deputy and I said: try weave just wanted it to be over people Shirin o J simpson per se, but they would sharing that once one time it seemed that the criminal justice system balanced and they were of a black person tomorrow, will be the same. Yesterday will be like it worse
but one time it seemed that the system balanced in favour of a black man and still we americans can't get past that even oj understood just how important grace was in his murder trial? Nine months after the verdict he spoke to CBS news corresponded bill, Whittaker, I've accepted a long time ago that that a lot of the feelings that that that we're getting right now has nothing to do. It ran a collar me. It has to do with things that go on with people's own lies and their own animosities. Their own prejudices about come to the surface. Do in this case, but
goldman embrowned families were determined to make it about wrong and Nicole, what's it like to be oj samson today, visitor It's always, then you might might unplanned better golf replied. I do not know what to do, but no one ever do. Commercials and stuff like that. I'm trying to do is is be positive, be good to my friends and be there for my kids not guilty of the crime, the murder, eight months after being acquitted of murder, the man once focused sports and endorsements spoke with forty. Eight hours correspond
Harold dal about his new life. They and a new interest in a subject previously avoided people of color men in a sense victimize. For years with the legal system, and we were always told that that's the way it is. My duty lies a lot of people. Look at me as some papers symbol now here is a guy like that can do it raised after he was acquitted he's walking around. I should then, all of a sudden oj back again, but I think part of that which his need to have the spot you just get ready for your comeback. Factors brothers, I'm here, I'm with you and everybody fell for it. I couldn't believe, however, others in oj social circle were giving him the cold shoulder it felt like a guy who built this
beautiful wife. I can't I'm withering away We should boycott everything he does. One hundred jade tells the real when he was oj had to make a living and to repair his reputation. This the rockingham gave to my home. His ill can, solution, actually which offer up his thoughts on the trial for price. I stairs white carpeting, all away banister, they checked everything and no blood. That's all I want to do provide for the my family, my kids in gimme the opportunity in a fair shake to say what I need to say. The goldman brown families also wanted their say in file. Does level suit against simpson charging than he was responsible for the murders. We had to find some way to get the justice that we felt round deserved the best possible.
The civil cases in in many ways I think I'll, get vindicated. The prospect of other trial didn't seem to phase OJ new gonna, see more truths about. In this case, I look forward to it. Are you ready to take the stand this time? I can't wait it could be out. That's then can we take a break took place. There are a number of days of depositions with OJ. Simpson was hoping to be accomplished. All our reason for the depositions is getting him to state one thing and then find that the evidence was contradicted him. You never struck her with your hands. Never punched or yes, you ever striker no gave a harder. While the civil trial was going on, simpson fought for and one custody of sydney ingested, then eleven in eight years old they have been living with Nicole,
family the kids were taken away from us on christmas eve. That was really awful. Good news for oj quickly fade when the civil verdict was announced. Finding simpson liable for the deaths, They had a predominantly white jury. I have to believe that the energize are in that verdict was not only race, but the fact that OJ simpson had been found not guilty in a criminal case, our family grateful For a verdict of responsibility, when the verdict did come down, what were you thinking then? Finally got some justice run. Emma coal got some trust. They remembered taking a picture with the family and somehow we were all kind of smiling, ok, great their responsibility,
there's a consequence, but it's like ok, but still were a grieving families. The verdict did come with an award for the brown and goldman families. More and thirty three million dollars in damages to be paid by simpson. Did you think it oj? Whenever pay never thought twice about it? It was all about getting at court to hold him responsible. Has anything been paid to the you'll? Never pay one single penny, anything that we received, we got by taking away from him every time we took something away from him. It was getting a piece of justice for simpson. He was back to playing trying to lead a normal life man I gotta go now. He moved to florida, but trouble still followed.
Including at arrest relating to road rage, a charge he would beat or you of the book If that oj would have laid low jason concern that I came to know would never laid low. He about to hide. He wasn't afraid that fearlessness included making a much ridicule rap music, video, while oj, was drawing attention for the wrong reasons. The supporting players from the murder trial this programme, the first four may have a television hath basking in the spot the trial was the reality, show the first in the best, and I see the broncho she's, like the pilot episode. It's got everybody hope alive.
tried to actually parlay this into a reality. Tv show career cato can most notably cato that implements houseguest of oj Larry king one said that cato you are the first reality star Little did, I know what I discovered famous in the wrong way: So what I want a new place to crash. I gotta guest house, rent outcome, so is the only sent in case. was a daddy of reality, tv. It was also the maybe daddy most. Obviously there national. I do not believe that there would be a convention phenomenon if their dad had not been a member of OJ symptoms, dream team. Oh geez own entrepreneurial ventures continue to raise eyebrows, especially writing a book entitled if I That is why, in the world, if you are acquitted of a murder which you write, a book, the title of which, if I
done it, here's the way I would have done it. That makes absolutely no sense. Ultimately, we were awarded the rights to the book by the court by the court, so our choice was the polish and ourselves. It read more like a confession than a pretend book he put himself at the scene. He put Self covered in blood, I think o j got away with so much tat. He really actually thought he was a god. Did you couldn't be touched? You want one step too far and went along vegas. What happens in vegas stays in vegas unless, of course, your oj simpson, in which case
the world hears about it, but we say that since it along with a group of men stormed room, install sports collectibles, time. Around september, two thousand seven o j was dealt a different hand. Oj had heard a dealer hawking his memorabilia and family photos. I write glee. There was value in an oj, they didn't exist anymore and he went over there with the five or six guys that he went with oda. What lay to say he quote just wanted his stuff back, but soon things got hot hotel cameras caught these images and one of simpsons associates recorded a raging oj that will come back to haunt us So
You think, when you saw the footage of him walking through the casino it's kind of like there, he goes again. Oh no, no doubt because they are you stupid and then the hammers came down came down hard. O J simpson is in serious trouble again in part, because some in OJ crew were packing pistols. For the botched robbery simpson was charged with twelve countless from assault with a deadly weapon to kidnapping, he is the person who put these cries together. Then, thirteen years to the day val James simpson, not guilty of a crime of murder. Since simpson was acquitted for the murders of wrong in a coal, a very different court room heard a very indifferent dirty cop, five, first, a great kidnapping with use of a deadly weapon
guilty of first to pre financing, judge Jackie glass sentence, simpson to the man I have to tell you now. It was much more than stupidity two thirty three years in prison. Thirty three years in jail fat echoed the thirty three and a half million dollar verdict, and the civil case was its symbolic. It was pay back, pay back is a burning judge. Glass denies, it was pay back and says the sentence was appropriate for the seriousness. the crimes top las vegas attorney, Ozzy fumble would handle the appeal in nevada. So what raise the case to the level that it did? Was it because of the presence of are all MR simpson told me he never saw fire, but let's be real jamie. If you and
gone into collect my things in europe. Just with me, you and I would have gotten probation thirty three years. I've seen people kill people and not get thirty three. in the isolated, hi high desert of nevada number? Thirty two got another number in made one or two seven, eight to zero. By all accounts, oj was a model prisoner with no infractions. Yet where some see a stone, cold killer. Finally, paying a price is an abuser murder. People like that belong in jail, other sea, a symbol of inequality, wide justice, white justice, meaning meaning there are people with going to get him if he ever put his self in the position for them to get back at him they're going to do it
while simpson was kept off the streets for almost a decade. When are we going to our america, witnessed tensions between police and the black community, become painfully war spilling onto the streets. Again and again, from the sidewalks of new york, city, The streets of cleveland tomorrow I shot dead in a city park like cleveland cop from saint Paul minnesota to ferguson in Saint Louis Missouri,. Also wilson, who killed my brown did, know tat. The police officers who were responsible for the deaf. Twelve year old arise, rice, no time no conviction for murder January's diaries
It all seemed to validate distrust of the system. The same distrust that the simpson jury show decades ago, in LOS angeles, has there been any substantive progress and african american president united states. That is huge, huge progress that no one can do but there is still a great suspicion and mistrust between the black community and police departments across his country. Any light at the end of it in your mind, I can barely see the time, let alone the light. It's the feeling of frustration at the heart of the players from ask me once again: a nation is divided by issues that scene rooted in race. almost nine years locked up a seventeen year old oj simpson was eligible for parole. Trust me.
I wish it would have never happened, but even ass, he plead for his freedom. Simpson could not avoid conscious. See I was out. I've been pretty good with people people the eye. Basically, it's been a conflict. Free life, outrageous beaten, call up about those conflict, I'm going out some send my gagged. All this child before then came the most basic of human emotions, a child pleading for the father, she still loves- you want him to come home. My vote is to grant your full effective when eligible. Mr simpson, I do vote to grant parole when eligible, and that will conclude this harry
you, you think you'll stay out of trouble. We need some half, a million maids will be released from our state presence and twenty. Seventy nine will be met by the spotlight and curiosity. There were great
Simpson, with a man, so many still consider a killer slip into the shadows and live out his days quietly. We know that the national conversation about race and the criminal justice system remains center stage. It is america's endless refrain: a nation's unfinished business when will race no longer measure and divide us, so why is there still a fascination associated with o dot j? At this point, two thousand and seventeen because it reflects where we still are today on matters of race, o dot, J simpson, soon to be a free man, hope to return the florida where he was before he was busted in LAS vegas. The house,
Lord has gone. They lost that foreclosure, I'm sure are now in the kids, are gonna want him to be with them, but the parole officer is gonna have to authorize that prove wherever he goes. He's gonna have a challenge and I hope he understands and accepts it. He'll be trying to cash in one way or another. he's got as inevitable retirement so he's not about. Where he's got money judgment legally money, the goldman embrowns families can touch million dollars. I think it's only a matter time before it gets himself back in trouble. Do you hope you're done with all things oj simpson? I would love to think I'm done. If he thinks he's gettin out of jail and he's gonna walk free will jason moron is wrong, things oj seem to go on and on lapd detective, very tough.
Is assigned to investigate the officially unsolved murders of Nicola brown, simpson and enron. Goldman this guy The OJ simpson case is considered open. If, nation comes in that we need to investigate, will do Oh, I had no idea, I want to know Then again it's like. I don't wanna go through all that crap again. If something new comes up like let it rest try going to change anything, nothing is going to bring my sister back. Oh certainly has I think he committed the human. tragedy continues sidney now thirty one and In twenty nine were just children when their mother was murdered. A brown family is still in touch with the kids
in out there, a sister and brother and they'll always have each other, and I am very, very proud of them really proud of them. Cuz it couldn't have been easy she's. Quite a legacy, including time your book, the put a spotlight on violence against women, I much rather have my sister back then then educate on domestic violence. When simpson walks free a man I will once again tune in feeding on, what's become, Our national diet raise money, celebrity it's about as a society and as people and as a nation. Mr gorman.
How do you honor your son? I hope I hope my son, every day by trying to make sure but remember who he was and try to live our lives as he would. Those two people, or what it was all about and I'll have my sister. she's very much alive at my home in my mom's home in my heart, and I think of it bury your loved one, don't take them off the wall, don't sell their closed
Pictures in the drawers keep em to keep on the live, Was it a homicide? I wasn't sousa. There were three shots. This is not a comfortable way. It's a carriers, it's not where you at all prepare for what happened in this case shock is the word that comes to mind. region,
Transcript generated on 2022-06-10.