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Dear Savanna - Encore


For two decades, the FBI couldn’t catch a mother on the run abroad with her daughter -- but she couldn't outrun her past. She tells her side of the story to "48 Hours" correspondent Maureen Maher.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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India Savannah some day I'll give to strangle too so that you can hopefully understand your mother. My name is samantha galvanise. I was born surveillance but I didn't know that savannah leave on it. I grew up on the sunshine cursed. Surely it is the I place. I knew my mom is alex. My entire life, but in reality she wasn't alex at all. She was Lee lebanon in april of ninety ninety four. I got a phone call that my dearest friend Lee had disappeared. I thought oh, no, don't let this be true.
Never imagined that my good friendly would be the subject of an international manhunt. Our investigation span, the united states and the glow, we searched belize. Central erika and south Africa dorothy was very equipped and running from the law. about this, it was plan she was determined. I feel the fbi and every other law enforcement agency. Underestimated me, the fbi, More than met they match when they tangled withdrawal, They lay bonnet Malaysia is our home did you at all think I'm gonna get caught? They're gonna get me every day. Every day I thought this was going to be one. Those unsolved mystery stout would never be solved. Samantha one thing afford a couple days until
twenty eleven when we had the tipp that she was living in australia. I remember getting. When I was up at school and my mom need major to jump on a plane and come down because she was getting arrested two decades later authority. a rested her in australia when I heard that Alex wasn't alex I see, always absolutely gobs, make an amazed. Well, what I do I realized it was all a merry christmas that they'd found me. I love you more than life itself. Your special mommy. And I knew that I'd have to face the consequences, but I did twenty years before
The. She's written, I've always loved the name savannah? It reminds me of great beauty it also remind me of my home and someday it'll hopeful, be yours to the endless feeds the shrimp, the blue herons, that pretty picture is how Lee Barnett remembered charleston in the sea, diary she kept for her daughter during their years on the run, a very different charles
in south carolina. Then what she returned home to barnett was arrested in Australia and linguist, charged with kidnapping her daughter after losing a bitter custody battle. For twenty years, Lee Barnett had been haunted by the f b. I vilified in the press, cold, angry and violent and labeled mentally ill. Now she tells her side of the story to forty eight hours and it is a very different story than you've heard before. I need to tell the truth about what's happened and something needs to be changed
from the start. There was always something different about Lee Barnett. The little barefoot girl with the blue blue eyes and a big smile says her oldest friend susie pogue. When I first met lee when she was five and I was seven, she had a big black snake around her neck, and so I took one look at her and I said oh that looks like an interesting family. I want to be friends with her. bland or two brothers were raised by a free spirited single mother named doughty. After their father died, they didn't have much money. Dadi lived on her husband's social security, but they had plenty of adventures, says lee's brother cliff. We had to learn how to do things with no money and no resources and get by and
two things on a fly: a kind of swiss family robinson travelling between south carolina florida and the jungles of belize. They were really living in Indiana jones lifestyle. Before there wasn't an indiana jones, it's I believe they were in the jungle living with local families, Leon. Heritage, her mothers, love of adventure at one point, travelling deepened to africa with susie. I just knew that all of the traveling that we had done and that she had done with her family, prepared her really. What was the ultimate adventure of her life that adventure began in charleston when light by then a flight attendant met. Paris, Todd a stockbroker with a love of poetry and too many the pig
you're, a perfect southern gentlemen and was it love at first sight? None at all. It wasn't love at first sight it was friendship, all that changed five years later. It is profess to me that I'd made him feel different than anybody else has ever made him feel and on the winding lead to another, but liese, dear friend, patty roth did not think it was a good match. They wanted very different things out of life. She was very outgoing and he kind of kept her to himself to Lee. That was part of the attraction part of the challenge. I thought I was a person that was gonna help. Him have a more normal fun, loving life because he was so serious when we came to me and told me that they decided to get married
I did not agree with that choice. Lee wanted children Harris was very clear to everyone that he never wanted children. Why would you marry a man who didn't want to have kids? Don't know? I just thought that I was going to do something and he would change and we have this one. A family, and I just had this crazy dream, but I'd make everything right. She could not have been more wrong when she told him that she was pregnant is when all problems started between the two of them he kept saying over and over. Throughout my whole pregnancy. There is no baby. Even when I was eight months pregnant. There is no baby. There is no baby. The The begin before
Lee Barnett fled the country. She made a tape and set it to friends. And enemies alive. I can't tell you in it. She condemns her husband here. Ty very forecasting, her is the villain in a sinister drama. She claims he fabricated out of vengeance, a characteristic. and she stands by to this day he went to hurt me so badly. He didn't care who took down, and that includes a little baby says. It all began seven minds into the marriage. I said team. I said I have a feeling I might be pregnant and he said it's. Ok just have an abortion. I was heartbroken heartbroken, but I still thought he'll come right anyway, two days later I found out, I was pregnant, he was very cold indifferent, any remain that way. Harris claimed the problem. Wasn't the pregnancy
It was less uncontrollable temper. One argument two and a half months later got so he did she slipped over the coffee table. Lee woke up the next morning and harris was gone. I just felt so abandon and I couldn't figure out how some I loved and none for so long could be this cruel harris todd. Who can Certainly has said he never asked leave to get an abortion says he laughed because he couldn't take her anger any more that he even feared for his safety. He repeatedly asked leave to move out of his house, but she refused. I thought if I left this house, I would never ever come back. She really wanted the marriage to work. She did everything within her power or to get harris to come back, including going to marriage, counselling, liese, mothers?
Yesterday's psychiatry named doktor, Oliver bjornstam, lay says to her surprise. Harris agreed to go, and I made the point with both of us lay says what happened in those appointments would change her life. She walked in hoping to sabre marriage. Instead, she walked out with a diagnosis. So. The bipolar spectrum doktor bureau student sedley had something called hypersonic temperament, a condition characterized by dwelling blaming and temper outbursts. A condition and he wanted to treat with medication. Did you ever have History of mental illness never had any mental illness, we admit, she was emotional. I cried quite alone. She was alone having a difficult pregnancy and just had a say.
or that her baby might have down syndrome. I said I think I've got a good reason to be upset and he said give you something to make. You feel better. Doctor Bjork stone, prescribed, navin lee dog to a doctor friend, who said it's an anti psychotic drug and advised her not to take it. And I took three tablets by then then led discovered something else, something that terrified her harris todd and her own mother had contacted doktor Bjornstam b. for she had ever even heard his name so you're saying that Harris went to bureaucrats and first tell endorse what he said was going on and you are under the impression that Harris had never. and never met him. We both walked in and they both this themselves and said it's nice to meet you. harris who said he was only trying to get help for his wife, but leave believes Harris.
Setting, her up, spinning and elaborate tale of an unstable wife with a violent temper then convincing her mother of it for what purpose to save his face for work it out in his private life in the physical violence? Is one thing The mental instability is another. Forty eight hours has been covering this story since ninety ninety nine harris todd deny, Our recent requests for an interview, but back then he told us Lee was a ticking time bomb, but you never. Where do you come through the door and have flower pot large? a danger not only to him but to herself, came down the hallway and there she is shit, no bang in her head against the wall. Did you bash her head against the wall nights, the point that the lights were flickering on and I have no
ever bash my head against all harris said he was so afraid of you that he feared for his life. Did you threatened him? Never once slap him. I slept in once hit him never lie admit she did get angry angry and after throw planters off the porch and push over that coffee table much, she says Harris was the threatening one making menacing phone calls through, the entire pregnancy. I would say to me all the time you're sick, look in the mirror, see your face is contorted you're insane you're insane and he just kept saying: you're sick, you're crazy over and over again panties, as she was listening in when Lee got one of those calls, he totally changed and his southern charm turned into just sheer hatred. Finally, when she was seven months pregnant Lee filed for divorce harris counter sued
They mean that Lee was so abusive. He was suffering from post, traumatic, stress disorder. I've never seen her violent she's, not a moody person. We never had an argument and we were together. Constant Patty was by her side when she gave birth to savannah, Anna was born a beautiful Oh baby girl, just healthy, as can be Lee, was thrilled beyond words. say was amazing, but that happy news wouldn't last forlorn when seven It was two and a half months old. Her parents, divorce will take another turn Harris sued for custody. Now the bitter battle would get even uglier. With plenty of mudslinging from both sides. Polices harris wanted to take her baby to punish her
eric said he loved savannah with all his heart. He said she was promiscuous. She said he was gay. She stopped him. He law The list went on and on, but in the and it came down to one not so simple question was it in? savannas best interests to be with her mother or her father doktor Oliver Bjornstam. was called as a witness for harris todd how damaging was his testimony to your case. Damaging is probably not the right word. He was life destroying doktor bjornstam, who also declined to be interviewed, testify that the condition he died nosed lee with is associated with violence. seen people with less degree of dwelling do things which are quite serious? I absolutely never saw
Any signs of mental illness least friends took the stan painting a very different picture. I saw distress from having somebody, try and fight you and take your baby away. So how hard is it to prove that you are crazy. It's impossible, the more use clangor not mentally ill. Crazy. You sound as people look at you as a mental or person. Then And lay says there was plenty of evidence that she was not crazy to respected. Psychiatrists testified that there was nothing wrong with her and that she certainly did not need anti psychotic drugs, but then Another expert was brought in as a so called tie breaker to see. If we re We did have hypersonic temperament after a value fittingly he said she did have the condition the expert
said harris was the more predictable parent recommending and he should have custody. The child advocate for Savannah also agreed still lee and her friends were hopeful. We thought there is no way that a judge is going to look at this and take this loving, healthy, happy, vibrant baby away from her mother. Now the decision was up to judge robert mallard and it was clear who he believed he cited Harris says willing to share custody when Lee was not. He said that well, Lee was a flight attendant harris was a successful stockbroker, so he believed terrorist would be better aid. to provide a stable environment, the the
also noted what he called liese inability to control her impulses in court. I think I got hyper. I think I got stressed. I think I got scared. I was very scared because I knew something was really really going wrong. This is the court or that truly says what was most damaging and on true was the judges finding that she had been violent towards harris and his conclusion that her condition might lead to homicide or suicide. It left me so scared and so cold, because when you label somebody is that that means I'm such a danger to my child on February. Eighteen, Ninety ninety four, we didn't think it could happen, judge mallard awarded full custody of nine and have month old, savannah to her father harris tide,
I probably where are my life, and I will continue to take her. hmm. The little girl was her life and everything I would. The story was a fabulous mother. She really really was. It was hard to believe that it could even happen lease friends, we're still reeling from the judges decision. The decision, in my view, was totally in just gordon came. It was beyond my comprehension to know that they they were going to remove the child from her
harris came to get Savannah the very same day. He was awarded custody when they came and took her is when I lost it, and I just went to the bathroom and and sat in the bathtub and cried lee says, would worried her the most with something harris had said in court that he would take his daughter to a psychiatrist is is three years old if he saw any signs of her mothers illness. It sounds like. What's yours, Finally, as you are afraid, Harris Todd was going to do to this baby girl what he had done to you. I knew as a grown woman. If I couldn't proved wasn't mentally ill. How can a two or three year old, We says only option was an appeal, but the judge didn't I'll. The necessary paper work in the usual thirty days by Dave forty five. She was desperate at this point and you lost all faith in their judicial.
system, no hoard system in the family court system, all faith I'll faith you know what he was there to help me. I had started make my plan to leave, The judy she saw a sixty minutes piece on the street, in LOS angeles, where you can easily get fake documents, big social security income and off she went a guy goes what he want, and I said I need to purchase tickets here at two names, and he should be back here at one o'clock tomorrow by the next afternoon, Lee Barnett had been reborn as Alex. andrea Maria canton and seven
I was now her son neck, a boy boy. She had no area, so I think it s a boy. Next, stop Houston, Texas. She put on a black wig, walked into the de envy and got a texas driver's license. After that, the passports were easy. There was something that was just propeller me ford. Knowing that I had to get her safe. I can't tell you how an I belong together and nobody. I have the right to destroy them.
Sixty four days after losing custody and during one of her regularly scheduled visitations LISA, she takes her last ten thousand dollars and the baby. The two then get into a rental car here in charleston, with her oldest brother, stop at a gas station. She cuts her hair dyes, it brown and drives to the atlanta airport, and then she disappears. What time on sunday were you supposed to return savannah? It was six o'clock at night and where were you at six o'clock that night? Oh, I would probably be in france by then in paris and did that make you nervous, or did you get a little smile? Oh, I don't think I ever smiled. I never wanted to take it for granted every second, I had a freedom was never taken for granted, but did you
feel free and when you are on the run, where you free as free from them, she was free from them soon. After lee's, younger brother, cliff Barnett got a call from Harris. He goes where's your sister. I have no idea cause your your sister is not a fit mother. She can't take care of a child by herself. She doesn't have a sense for it, and I've finally eventually said well, apparently she as the sense to disappear from you. I'm John was one savannah. Lee Barnett is missing from ilo palm south carolina. The fbi launched massive manhunt. I believe Lee Barnett could possibly harm her child. Initially agent, Chris quick thought, they'd, and her in some motel within a week. Most fugitives mess up make mistakes, because I can't leave a life that they came from. The Senate occur in this case. She's totally cut
all ties from everyone? I had no idea where she went who she was with what she was doing and savannah ceased to exist, then on it was alex baby. She renamed samantha. How do you leave your family, your friends, your country, never pick up the phone never be in touch just walk away from it. It broke my heart. It killed me, we thought about her all the time she was never never far from our thoughts. We always try to keep pictures of sudan around the house, and this was one of our favorites. In my mind, I knew she would find I'm about somewhere. They can adapt and survive. Alex's. First stop malaysia she wrote to SAM and her diary that the hardest part was the loneliness. I woke up one day that I made a man that loves you, like, I love you and that's all.
ever asked. Seven months later she did in south africa her next stop on the roof, there. She met in engineering, geologists, name, schwann, gelding eyes. She told him everything and they married a few months later. I got married to him because he was mad. They love my daughter soon Samantha had a baby brother named Reese and the family move. botswana thereof, look at our house on the streets and buffalo so? Sufferers just really has found time while Alex gelding highs was growing. Her family in africa in charleston harris todd was grieving. The daughter taken from him by Lee barnett, it was done to hurt me was: dont saves of anna was done. Hurt me. He says had wanted a family and he won't
and his daughter. I can't believe how could something like this possibly happen? How could possibly have How could she be here and then be gone. You're more firmly barnett's charleston friends from facebook, forty eight hours, What bothers me most is the not knowing and the fact that this is like constantly grieving for someone who's die, five years after Lee Barnett vanished with his daughter heroin, Todd decided to take matters into his own hands. Nothing else has worked on them at all, Why? I so. Forty eight hours followed him to costa rica, have any specific knowledge. her whereabouts, but there's a high probability that she could be here.
The stores vine stand out in costa rica, then the farmers markets. go up and look at school. I think it's worth while knowing they are to have a look. If I have while I doings doing soviet that would put the child and a great deal of nature There is also went on national tv shows determined to keep us daughter in the news, as well as her mother who, according to him, was very ill a bipolar affected. This order, also known as manic depressive illness, very violent. She would hit me in the head were first and in this recreation, very dangerous woman? I've got the pleading for eighty four fallen into toward action. Harrison. His lawyer gram, sturgis, also went after liese, family and friends will be ready to get the piper serve starting tomorrow on the various defenders suit against those harris believed had helped her. Are you don't do that in
loading liese, mother, her brother, cliff and susie poke payback. Thank you He accused me of conspiracy to kidnap samantha. Of course, none of that was ever proven by was financially devastating for me, but she says the worst part Who was the private investigators who tracked her? Every move lay threatened me by saying that they gonna destroy my life, my family They were going to take me down all the way. Lee and samantha stayed under the radar travelling the? U s to germany, france, malaysia, south africa, botswana and new zealand. after thirteen years on the run and for continents, Lee finally landed here
along the shores of australia sunshine coast, a safe harbour about it far away from charleston ass? She could get the sunshine Stay is known for its beaches and rights of fairy, wonderful and family life, environment, door, open but say his own family was having a tough time. The man she adored and believed was her father. had fallen in love with another woman, ending her parents, marriage how'd it in your mother said sure whose you stayed resilient and she was a rate single mother, the dose for oil. open ever almost always welcome, there was one door that remained closed the door too. her mothers passed when she
What about america, she loved it, but at the end of the day you can see in her eyes and if you know- and you love someone well enough, you can see when they're hurting and it's not for me to sit there and go. I will get sadder and tell me more and tell me why and I deserve to know cause. I didn't you know. I trusted that when she wanted to tell me she. Let me know on that day, fine. became the man. How old are you for aid? nineteen years after they boarded that playing into the unknown ahmed. On the tell us one at seven. Thirty in the morning there was a big pounding on my door, and I was still in my pajamas on the door and this man was staying there with guns, and he said I'm here with a warrant fear rest Alex again in high said finally made a mistake. She confided. In the wrong friend that friend contacted. the hair was tied with the one
Sing piece of the puzzle says assistant: u s attorney nathan Williams, her name are, we really needed was a way to identify barnett under her alias and once we have that information. It was very easy for us to then find the paper trail, but he took years to work a deal between the two countries a deal that eventually Lead federal agents to this little house in moldova by one of the agent said to me: you must be really relieved, but I wasn't relieved. I knew that my life would change. My children's lives would change. It could not have been a worse time One week earlier, their dad had died from bone cancer, I'm very lucky to be able to say the lasting, I said was I love you. Just people like that.
Now she rees faced losing their mother to prison, was sonoma couch with turkey urgence no sir. At the moment and she took me to another and just tell me, everything that tomorrow, the trust. Of course I did next. She called sam away university studies to be a nurse. I said sammy in how we never. In the case with the family and friends and the u s, he said he I said well. I was married before a name. going to jail. Now, as I am an accuser kidnapping ass, if I had to keep you save all those years ago, I had two cooler. I can say what does that mean that dad was I died and then she started crying and I started crying Alex gilding ice egg. Yea lee. Barnett was taken to a jail in brisbane the next day. Fbi age sat, samantha down and began to tell
the story of the beginning of her life and that's when I know where I was born, I let Savannah I didn't. You know didn't know anything before that she learned loud, harris todd and her mothers bitter back story? character characteristic. They said that my mother had was wrong and incorrect every single thing, I'm him pay to like what what what kind of like she she had bipolar. I mean that was a most incredibly confronting thing and I felt very rude because I just laughed in their face: is that was the first time you have or for that accusation yeah. I just I had to laugh and I said, whoa you're wrong, perhaps most disturbing agents after they had feared her mother would hurt her. Did your mother ever hurt you to shiver here too, was she abusive tee? friend in molucca route.
Michel was equally perplexed by the version of his friend. He read about in the court order the northward, while this is not Other person when you. Bruce and sound, set out to read every document. Every transcript, real, leading to the case. It's like a novel that is so sickening that you can put down each been a terrible, terrible injustice and somebody should go to jail And he says it shouldn't be Lee Hear more from leaves children about their globe trotting like forty eight hours, dot com The time has come.
for lead to tell samantha about the diary. She'd kept hidden. All these years, sam opened the book of secrets and began to read, I'm having difficulty writing because I'm very scared. I can only waiter and pray, it's not our time to be found with each page, a new understanding of her mother. If you think about every single little thing that she has gone through. I've lived this wonderful life and she did everything she could and more to just keep me save now. Eat was sam's turn to protect her mother. She is the most important thing and she wasn't she has been, and she still is runs very salmon bruce collected affidavits from supporters across four continents, friend carry desired every body,
his heart went out to everybody was behind her one hundred percent. There was not a doubt at all anyway for ten months Alex and her supporters desperately fought extradition, but in the fall of two thousand and fourteen, she was forced to leave her australian paradise spain and returned to the place where it all began here in charleston, but this time she would be at the federal court house, charged with international parental kidnapping and two counts of passport fraud. Crimes that could put lee behind bars As for twenty three years, Lee was denied bail while awaiting trial prosecutor nathan Williams. It's not complicated take the long, your own hands and and flee the country with a child, because you don't like the result from a divorce hearing
leah acknowledges she broke the law by getting those fake passports but says she is not guilty of kidnapping. You do not think that you broke the law by taking her out of the country at the law was broken when a corrupt court system took that baby from me and took her mother away from her and your mind, you did not kidnapper wishes. My daughter, you did not. The legal right to take her out of the country in a legal right be damned, but after five months in jail, Lee realized. She didn't have the money or the fire power to fight the. U S, government she pledge guilty to all three charges including kidnapping lee, was I intend to twenty one months in prison with credit for time. Served for the man who had
searched for her. It was a disappointing sentence. What about harris aside the farther side? She took a law on our own hands and deny the father of twenty years of ever. Seeing his daughter have you ever for one moment thought maybe I should have. let her know harris todd now, no remorse about cheat him out of twenty years with his daughter, none least as time has proven she was not who Harris said she wise, there's nothing wrong with me. I've never done anything violent. I raise two amazingly healthy, intelligent children who are happy so who is telling and his line sam had some questions of her own. She wrote in eight page letter to Harris just telling him that
I can have the most amazing relationship with him as long as I am one hundred per cent sure there's no revenge, there's no spot! There's no, nothing. Sam says all she wanted was the truth. Why harry. Said her mother was violent. There was no response to that. Instead harris road that he was he's too. Here she had done well on her exams. Has there ever been any response? A year would pass Sam was finally ready to meet harris. Her relationship with a meeting harris had imagined when we spoke with him back in nineteen. Ninety nine, I tell her who I am and hugger. It didn't quite turn out like that. They met at harris's home. he held out his hand to shake my hand, and I thought well, I'm not quite comfortable without a rather give a hog and re. It was just stood. Surreal experience almost sam says harris took her on a too
Our tour of his house were showing off his prized possessions lease friend routine, your judge, Myron Johnson, accompanied sam, a really was very shocked that the our was not about he and samantha and the years that they have missed and how they could go from here. I see little awkward. They have not seen each other since but SAM says she remains open to a relationship as long as harris understands thing there is no way, I'm let go. My mom not be
very lenient with him and all the stuff than he said. I want to know if you be the same with me when this comes out, you may two thousand and fifteen we barnett was released from jail on two years, probation back into the wives of family and friends. She had left all those years ago and then this is where we did. That's an amazing experience. Dab your best friend disappear for twenty years and come back please just overwhelmed with friendship. Oliver childhood memories are all coming back. We will take all of that table, sidelines she's not going to go anywhere as far as I'm concerned. At this point, Lee wasn't allowed to leave the united states so, with the help of forty eight hours kids, came to her reese with total surprise the first
am after she got out of prison. She never like album issues other she cried and sand. seen her mother in nine lines. In the vote my mother- and I have this incredible thing tonight- that we love each other and the continent. Now an ocean isn't gonna separate us over two decades. Oh leave are not married, Harris todd, hoping to have a happy life together instead, and he became a marriage measured in loss of father last twenty years with his daughter, a mother lost her home, her friends and her family, a story of hurt, anger and despair, but also a story of love. Dear savannah. I just want to let you know how loved you are you and I will be fun more than
Fine really will be grave and we'll get through this place always need that having you is the most important thing in my entire life be my little girl who's made it sweet dreams, love mommy,. Hey prime members, you can listen to the forty eight hours, PA gas ad free on amazon, music, download, the amazon music AB today or You can listen ad free with wondering, plus an apple pie. Gas before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey of wondering dog com. Sledge survey Hi, I'm lindsey, graham the host of wonders, podcast american scandal. We bring to life some of the biggest controversies in. U S, history, presidential lies environmental disasters, corporate fraud. In our new a serious we look at the kids for cash scandal. A story
corruption inside america's system of juvenile justice in northeastern pennsylvania residents had begun, noticing and alarming trend. Children, we're being sent away to jail in high numbers and often for committing only minor offences. The b. I began looking at two local judges and wonderful, picture emerged, it made national headlines. The judges were earning a fortune carrying out a brazen criminal scheme. One would shatter the lives of countless children and force a heated debate about punishment and america's criminal justice system. Following can scandal. Wherever you get your upon guests, you can listen ad free on the amazon, music or wondering app.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.